Channel 4 looks to a low carbon future with Carbon Trust Standard

Category: News Release

Channel 4 Television Corporation has been awarded the Carbon Trust Standard after taking action on climate change by measuring, managing and reducing its carbon emissions by 2% over a three year period to September 2010.

The Carbon Trust Standard recognises organisations that have achieved a genuine reduction in carbon emissions. Based on a rigorous, independent assessment, it certifies that organisations have measured, managed and reduced their carbon emissions across their own operations, and are committed to reducing them year on year.

Maeve McLoughlin, Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Advisor at Channel 4, said: "We're delighted to have achieved the Carbon Trust Standard. It is a great way of showing that we are on the front foot when it comes to carbon management best practices, and gives us an opportunity to communicate our environmental credentials with integrity to those that matter.

"Cutting carbon is a priority for us as a business and delivers tangible bottom-line benefits. We have already cut our carbon emissions by 2% as part of the initiative and are committed to making further reductions in the future. Going through the assessment process to achieve the Carbon Trust Standard helped us to not only quantify our footprint, but also benchmark our performance and identify areas for improvement bringing tangible and significant cost savings across our operations. In the current climate it's essential that we remain competitive, and the Carbon Trust Standard is another way we can stay ahead of the game."

In order to effectively reduce carbon emissions, Channel 4 undertook an audit of carbon usage at its offices in order to identify opportunities for optimisation and to aid energy management and target setting.  It then implemented a number of reduction programmes to ensure that the operating procedures and practices of Channel 4's offices minimised the carbon impact.  Practices included implementing computer shutdown software and solar control measures and maintaining day to day energy efficiencies through a computer based building management control systems.

To further manage its carbon emissions Channel 4 made a number of investments in energy efficient technology including investing in its building management control system in order to upgrade software and improve control. In addition the channel ran a number of high profile employee environmental awareness campaigns including an Energy Day in June 2010 where an Eco-Driving Simulator and an Eco-Gym were brought into Channel 4 to raise awareness about energy efficiency.

Harry Morrison, General Manager, Carbon Trust Standard Company said: "Being certified with the Carbon Trust Standard is proof that an organisation has taken genuine action to reduce its impact on climate change.  We congratulate Channel 4 on this achievement."

Going forward Channel 4 will work closely with employees and suppliers to continue reduce its carbon footprint. In particular it will focus on identifying and implementing energy efficiency measures in addition to developing the reporting system for indirect emissions including transport related activities.


Notes to editors

For further information or interviews on the Carbon Trust Standard, please e-mail

The Carbon Trust Standard

  • 500 organisations have achieved the Carbon Trust Standard since it was launched in June 2008.
  • Collectively, the 500 Carbon Trust Standard holders have cut their emissions by 3.6m tonnes of CO2e. The 500 Carbon Trust Standard achievers have also cut their gas, electricity and fuel bills by over £165m.
  • To date, the total carbon footprint certified by the Carbon Trust Standard is over 43 million tonnes of CO2e; equivalent to nearly 18% of the total carbon footprint of UK businesses and transport.
  • All businesses and organisations, both in the UK and internationally, are eligible to apply for the Carbon Trust Standard including FTSEs, mid caps, SMEs and public sector organisations. Organisations that are awarded the Carbon Trust Standard hold it for a two year period and to maintain the certification they must reapply and demonstrate that they have continued to make year-on-year reductions in their carbon emissions.
  • Organisations wanting information about getting the Carbon Trust Standard can call: 0800 019 1443 or visit
  • Organisations that are certified with the Carbon Trust Standard are listed at

For further information or interviews on the Carbon Trust Standard, please contact Sara Downey on 020 7592 1200 or

About the Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust is a not-for-profit company with the mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy, providing specialist support to business and the public sector to help cut carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low carbon technologies.  By stimulating low carbon action we contribute to key UK goals of lower carbon emissions, the development of low carbon businesses, increased energy security and associated jobs.

We help to cut carbon emissions now by

  • Providing specialist advice and finance to help organisations cut carbon
  • Setting standards for carbon reduction
  • We reduce potential future carbon emissions by
  • Opening markets for low carbon technologies
  • Leading industry collaborations to commercialise technologies
  • Investing in early stage low carbon companies