Channel 4 offers media industry chance to Find Their Tribe

Category: News Release

Channel 4 today announced that following the successful launch of the UK Tribes Find Your Tribe game, designed to determine which Tribe or youth sub-culture 16-24 year olds in the UK belong to, this month it will release the game to its media agency partners for an exclusive poll to discover which one of 25 tribes each agency belongs to, and will later reveal which agency is the most Hipster, the most Townie or the most Rah!


The Find Your Tribe game, designed for Channel 4 by Realise Digital, went live in May and has so far ‘Tribed’ over 22,000 people to date . The 3-minute game is made up of eight questions which cover subjects including music, fashion and mobile phone usage – at the end, participants are presented with their Tribal DNA make-up.


Channel 4’s registered users, particularly those aged between 16-24 years, were invited to play the game and share their results on Facebook and Twitter encouraging friends to also complete the game. All 16-24 year olds ‘Tribed’ are offered the chance to join Tribes Live, Channel 4’s ‘real time’ online insight community which offers members a chance to make their voice heard, represent UK youth and influence what Channel 4 does. And although the quiz is designed for 16-24 year olds, anyone over 24 years can complete the quiz for fun.


On Tuesday 23rd July, employees of Channel 4’s media agency partners will be sent an invitation to play a special open version of the game. Simultaneously, Channel 4 will ‘Tribe’ its own staff to find out the Tribal DNA of each department. Once collated the Tribe results will be shared with the industry later this year.       


The Find Your Tribe tool is the latest initiative from Channel 4’s on-going UK Tribes project, pivotal to the broadcaster’s long-standing excellence in youth research, created in collaboration with research and strategy agency, Crowd DNA. Together with Channel 4’s growing database of now over eight million registered users, data from the game and the ‘always on’ Tribes Live community is incredibly valuable to both Channel 4 and its advertising partners, as segmenting Channel 4’s most engaged audience – an elusive demographic – offers them both a deeper and immediate insight into young people in the UK today.


Gill Whitehead, Channel 4’s Director of Audience, Technologies and Insights said: “We’re thrilled with the great response to the Find Your Tribe game so far – the results of which are not only further growing our Tribes Live community, but are being fused to our registered viewer database to enhance our insight into this key audience for our commercial partners and the channel commissioning team.”  


Jonathan Allan, Channel 4’s Sales Director added: “We’re really looking forward to all the cool media hipsters (and those that should know better!) trying out the game themselves. We know our UK Tribes online community has already inspired many of our partners to engage directly with our core audience – and knowing their personal Tribal DNA and also how they look collectively as an agency, should be a fun way to bring our research tool to life for them and provide some interesting debate...”


Digital agency Realise are responsible for designing and building the survey which enables users to share their results via Facebook and Twitter. Users can also see if their results match the most popular Tribe in their area of the country and watch a short video summarising their Tribe (produced by CrowdDNA).




Notes to editors


Find Your Tribe game -


About Tribes Live


Tribes Live regularly poses questions and assigns tasks to its online community, with the aim of collecting varied opinions from this key age group on a range of topics including media, lifestyle, brands, aspirations and current affairs. has recently re launched with a new design and layout as well as featuring new profiles, articles and features on each of the 25 Tribes.


Articles detailing the findings from the Tribes Live community will be published regularly. Three questions are posed to the community each week, creating a wealth of useful material. The website also features search functionality so that users can easily pull up articles relating to specific areas, i.e. mobile, leisure time, music.


UK Tribes is a long-standing study of British youth culture. Established by Channel 4 and Crowd DNA eight years ago, it looks to capture an authentic and fluid feel for the passions (most often music, fashion, sport and technology) around which young people gravitate and build identity, bringing to life the personality and energy of each Tribe. Research to date has noted numerous changes, particularly the emergence of many smaller, break-away Tribes, many of which now largely thrive online – and a sense of young people feeling increasingly pressurised and, since the recession, far less sure of the path ahead in terms of university and work.


About Realise

Realise is a top 20 UK independent digital agency, dedicated to combining creative vision with excellent technical understanding and execution. The company’s core service offering consists of digital strategy, website design and development, online marketing and full service digital solutions.

Realise are located in London and Edinburgh. The Realise team is headed up by Digital Director, Fiona Proudler, Executive Creative Director, Don Smith and Chief Technical Officer, Jon Tonberg. Its clients include Google/YouTube, Channel 4, Lloyds Banking Group, Tottenham Hotspur FC and Standard Life Investments.


About CrowdDNA

Crowd DNA is a full service research and strategy agency based in Shoreditch, London. Formed in 2008, we’ve notched up an impressive track record of noteworthy projects, creating commercial advantage for our clients across - at the last count! - 18 different markets.