Channel 4 Online shine at British Interactive Media Awards 2013

Category: News Release

Channel 4 Online stood out from the crowd at last night’s British Interactive Media Awards 2013 with UK indies taking home four gongs for Channel 4 commissions The Snowman and The Snowdog Game, Digital Paralympics and The Utopia Enquiry whilst D-Day As It Happens and Full English Game were recognised as Highly Commended.


Richard Davidson-Houston, Head of Online, Channel 4 said:  “I’m glad to see our indie partners in the limelight. Thank you to them and to the various teams at Channel 4 whose creative courage and teamwork makes these commissions possible”


The hugely successful The Snowman and The Snowdog Game won the Tablet category.

Developed to celebrate last year’s brand new sequel to Channel 4's Christmas classic The Snowman, the chart topping game was produced by Crash Lab and commissioned by Games Commissioner Colin MacDonald.


In both the Multi-platform and Public Life categories Deltatre, 13 Strides and Two Four picked up first prize for the award winning Digital Paralympics which was commissioned by Multiplatform Commissioner for Sport James Rutherford and Commissioning Editor for Sport Jamie Aitchison.


The Utopia Enquiry won the Entertainment category. Produced by  TH_NK and Kudos and commissioned by then Multiplatform Commissioning Editor for Drama and Film Hilary Perkins and Commissioning Editor for Drama Sophie Gardiner, the interactive site accompanied the on screen drama and warned visitors “By taking part, you’ll be forced to question your complacency and desire for a more comfortable life – in spite of the resulting consequence and cost. Your answers will reveal what they already know about you. And the repercussions.”


D-Day As It Happens was a 24-hour event in which Channel 4 told the story of this pivotal moment in 20th century history by playing it out in real time across TV, mobile devices, the web and social media. It was recognised as Highly Commended in the Public Life category and was produced by Digit and Windfall and commissioned by Factual Multi-platform Commissioning Editor Kate Quilton and Specialist Factual Commissioning Editor John Hay.


Full English Game was Highly Commended in the Game category. Produced by Fish In A Bottle and commissioned by Jody Smith, Multi-Platform Commissioning Editor for Comedy and Entertainment, the standalone web game launched alongside Channel 4 animated comedy Full English.

