Channel 4 picks up three Amnesty International Media Awards

Category: News Release

Kashmir’s Torture Trail

At last night’s Amnesty International Media Awards, Channel 4 picked up three awards, with wins in the Documentary, Television News and Digital Innovation categories. 

The awards recognise excellence in human rights reporting and acknowledge journalism’s significant contribution to the public’s awareness and understanding of human rights issues.

The documentary award went to Kashmir’s Torture Trail - True Vision for Channel 4. In 2010 Kashmir erupted in violent protests in which 118 demonstrators died. This powerful and shocking film followed the Kashmiri human rights lawyer determined to bring India to account for events in Kashmir.

Burma’s Forgotten People - Channel 4 News won the Television News category.  This investigation by John Sparks and Matt Jasper and Aung Zaw Min, revealed the perilous attempts of native Rohingya people to seek refuge in neighbouring Bangladesh.

No Go Britain won the Digital Innovation award for a social media-led investigation into public transport for disabled people in the year of the Paralympics. 

The winners were announced this yesterday at a ceremony at the British Film Institute in central London.

Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said: “The standard of entries this year was superb and the winners produced some of the best human rights journalism being put out anywhere in the world.

“Journalism at its best exposes injustice and holds the powerful to account. This year’s winners did this brilliantly - with searing dispatches from places like Syria, Burma, Kashmir and Russia.

“It’s been genuinely inspiring to see human rights journalism of this calibre. Well done to all those who produced the work and gave it their editorial backing. It’s truly valuable work.”