Channel 4 wins five Broadcast Digital Awards

Category: News Release

At last night's Broadcast Digital Awards, Channel 4 won 5 out of the 18 categories, more than any other broadcaster.

Plaudits for Channel 4's extraordinary success poured in.

Tim Berners-Lee said: "This is basically why I invented the Internet."

The Dalai Lama commented: "I'm totally addicted to The Bank Job game. It's well wicked."

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg admitted he loved the Embarrassing Bodies multiplatform project, saying: "It's funniest when you get to see people's misshapen winkles."

Of course, none of this actually happened, and we're just filling space, because it's all there in the first line.

But Barack Obama did say that the Facejacker app was the best he'd ever seen, and that he and Vladimir Putin are on it constantly. No, okay, he didn't.

The winners (the Channel 4 winners - we're not going to tell you about the other ones, which were mostly rubbish anyway) were:

Sexperience - Best Website

Facejacker - Best App

The Bank Job (Head to Head Game) - Best Game

Sri Lanka's Killing Fields Website - Best News and Current Affairs Content

Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic - Best Multiplatform Project


The full list of winners can be found at

Though why you'd want to see the full list is anyone's guess. The main ones are all on this page right here.