The Circle - Episode 2 Daily Drop

Category: News Release

Tonight on The Circle...

The eight players begin their first full day in The Circle. Last night, Jennifer received the lowest score in the first rating. Alex, playing as 26-year-old Kate, received the highest rating.

In the morning, Alex/Kate starts a group ‘girl chat,’ with Sian and Aiden - he muses that it’s a ‘girl thing’ to do. They discuss ‘Kate’s’ date with Mitchell and she hints that Mitchell seems interested in Aiden. Alex thinks that this girl bonding technique will help him ‘manipulate the situation a bit more’ in The Circle.

The Circle brings up today’s Newsfeed and top of the news agenda is Brexit. Aiden is honest about her lack of Brexit knowledge and reaches out to Mitchell, who appears to know what he’s talking about. Aiden: ‘You know a lot about the government, it’s sick.’ Mitchell is buzzing, he’s managed to impress Aiden and ‘stepped up’ his game plan at the same time with a ‘complete and utter blag.’ 

The Circle displays the profile picture of all eight players. As Dan and Alex are rated top by the group, they both become Influencers, and now have a blue tick, making them judge and jury of The Circle. Tonight they must remove, or ‘block’ one member of The Circle.

Jennifer and Sian both decide to have a private chat with Dan, who becomes very confused by the ‘Jedi mind tricks,’ that are being directed his way. While Freddie feels vulnerable and tries to win over Alex/Kate.

As the blocking looms closer, The Circle introduces the Icebreaker game, which poses a few questions to the players, with a getting-to-know-you vibe, from Do You Own Sex Toy?, to the tumbleweed rousing Have you Lied in the Game?

Dan is the only player to answer ‘yes’ to the Lie question, his fellow players all have the same stunned response.

Genelle requests a private chat with Dan and says that she has ‘something special’ to tell him, but is now worried that he can’t be trusted. Dan backtracks and explains that he was lying in the hope of getting a laugh. Genelle cuddles Santanna while musing over the Dan dilemma.

As the day draws to an end, The Circle hits the unsuspecting players with an Alert. As the Influencers, Dan and Alex/Kate must now decide who to block from the game. Alex opens an Influencer chat and the pair set about making their decision and butt heads. The other players nervously await the game changing decision.   

The Circle continues tonight at 10pm on Channel 4.

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