Coach Trip Christmas Special

Category: News Release

Mittens at the ready! The popular daytime series Coach Trip makes a special departure this festive season for a three week Christmas special as Brendan and his tourists embark on a trip to Lapland.

Seven pairs of strangers who have never met before are thrown together on a jolly coach trip across Scandinavia to Lapland in Northern Finland; where the travelling companions indulge in a host of Christmas activities.

The challenge is to stay on the coach long enough to reach Lapland. It might be Christmas but it's still Coach Trip and some of the tour group must go home early. Who that is will be decided by the group. The remaining tour party continues north into the Arctic Circle to complete the three week trip.

Ordinarily the tourists on the regular series often find it hard to get on in the summer sunshine, so being forced to get along and spend Christmas together in freezing temperatures, there's bound to be arguments and back-stabbing aplenty. And with the chance to meet the real Father Christmas along the way, this is sure to be the best, and merriest, Coach Trip series yet.