Come Dine with Me

Category: News Release

The brand new series of Come Dine with Me continues this week in Hull. Battling it out over four nights for the £1,000 prize are no nonsense housewife, Beccy Harrison, cheesy DJ Paul Green, marketing girl Eve Clark and am dram director Mark Daniels.

First to host is ‘tell it like it is' Becky with her Thai themed menu - a bit of a gamble as she's entertaining three total strangers who are all Hull born and bred. It might be Becky who is tonight's host, but it quickly becomes more like loud-mouth DJ Paul's evening as he takes over every conversation and can't stop trying to chat up Eve.

Day two and it's drama darling Mark Daniel's turn - he's planned a cunningly worded menu designed to trick his guests into thinking they're eating dishes that they're not. But after Becky's night, Mark's more worried about whether Paul is going to take over his evening than whether his food will surprise them. Naked pictures and rainbow costumes revealed on a guest tour of the house briefly steal the limelight from Paul, but it's not long before all eyes are on him again and Eve and Beccy end up hurting his feelings. However, a cheeky joke from Paul means that by the end of the night he's found a new friend in Becky.

Day three and it's glamorous marketing officer Eve Clark's chance to wow the others with ‘One Hull of a Menu' which includes "Hulloumi Salad". But the biggest joker is still Paul and while Becky has now decided that she likes him, Eve isn't convinced and Mark's not a fan either. Eve's cocktail dress and heels combo get a thumbs up from Paul and he tells her she's ‘bang tidy' and Eve that she's ‘fit' - although neither know quite what to make of it. But they all know what they think of Eve's food - not very much.

Last to host is the man they've been talking about all week - cheesy DJ Paul Green. He's managed to win over Becky, but he's having a harder time with Mark and Eve and they need to succumb if he's going to win the £1000 prize. Paul wants to show that it's ‘never dull in Hull' and is hoping his version of gourmet food and a naff disco will pull in the points. The chance to dance goes down a lot better than his food and a thoughtful gift from Paul means he finds another ally in Mark, but will it be enough to win the competition?

Bristol, Friday 19th August, 8pm, Channel 4

Tonight's brand new episode takes us to Bristol, where, battling it out over four nights for the £1,000 prize are scatty 23-year-old yummy mummy Tess Swan-Ingrey, man of a thousand bad outfits (and even worse jokes), Ian Perryman, 50, VERY loud 42-year-old drugs worker Cathy Lord, and ultra-competitive salesman Tony Boniface, 28.

The first host is shopaholic scatterbrain Tess who soon realises she's in for a noisy week when she opens the door to Ian who's dressed in an eye-watering lime green suit and starts cracking jokes from the word go. Cathy grills Ian on his sexuality, refusing to believe he's not gay, despite the married family man's protestations.  As the evening progresses, Cathy becomes ever more raucous, manhandling Ian and offending a stressed Tess by openly criticising her food. Meanwhile, silent Tony sizes up the competition.

Day two and after yesterday's antics, second host Tony is a man with a master-plan and has no doubts he'll emerge from this week as the winner thanks to his pièce de résistance - an enormous handmade sausage. While a sheepish Cathy retreats into her shell for the night, Tony goes on an all-out charm offensive to win over his guests.  But his smugness soon wears thin, especially when he demands a drum roll for his main course and performs a triumphant ‘sausage dance.'

Day three and it's Cathy's turn to host with her Jamaican menu. After seeing two such different sides of her personality, her guests aren't sure whether to expect wild Cathy or mild Cathy, with Ian admitting he prefers her ‘sedated'. An unbearably smug Tony, convinced he's got the £1,000 in the bag, continues to smarm for all it's worth with gullible Cathy falling for his act.  Despite getting off to a shaky start on the first night, Cathy finally manages to win over the group, leading Ian to admit he's had to completely rethink his views on her.

The final night and expectations are high that host Ian's food will be as flamboyant as he is.  But Ian prefers tinkering with fabulous table décor than getting stuck into cooking.  After criticising Ian's ‘bring your bling' dress code, Tony turns up in a white sequinned jumpsuit, determined to steal the limelight away from the host.  More surprises are in store as his guests discover the truth about ‘wacky' Ian - he's a devoted family man and hopeless romantic. Not one to be serious for too long, Ian then forces them to perform dodgy 80's classic ‘Oops Upside Your Head'. There's a final chance for Cathy to wise-up about two-faced Tony, before the winner walks away with the £1,000 prize.


East Yorkshire - Fri 29 July, 8pm - Channel 4

Tonight's brand new Come Dine With Me comes from East Yorkshire where four strangers are fighting it out for the crown of best dinner party host and the prize of £1000 in cash. Up for the challenge are: big kid Giles Johnson, who enjoys his own lewd humour; sassy masseuse Jo, who's up for a good time; super-inquisitive aesthetic practitioner Angie Ward, who wants to get into everyone's business; and finally hospital manager, Richard Squire, who likes to think he's a foodie.

The week kicks off with giddy Giles hosting. But from the start picky Richard points out his slapdash approach to hosting and the guests are left to fend for themselves, as Giles cooks his menu from scratch. It gives nosy Angie the chance to delve into the private business of some of the others and she makes some snap judgments about Jo's and Giles' love lives, despite having only shared one course together. Angie's direct questions keep her in the limelight for the rest of the meal and earn her the title ‘clairvoyant'.

Day two and it's the turn of masseuse Jo to host. Dubbed a "sexpot" by Angie the night before, the guests find more racy evidence in her bedroom. Prudish Giles asks his host if she wears her knee-length boots on the street corner, which leaves Jo insulted. Foodie Richard is impressed by Jo's food and attention to detail, but gets a shock as Angie earns her clairvoyant's stripes by reading his palm and delivering a staggering revelation about his lifeline. She and Giles start to cross swords as her further attempts to psychoanalyse them all begin to grate. By the time the lemon posset dessert arrives, Richard's knowledge about food is certainly in question as he had confused posset with the barely edible Australian animal, possum!

Night three and it's nosy Angie's turn to host. All the others are keen to turn the spotlight back on her after two days of personal questioning. They discover she's a Botox nurse, which leads to Angie examining them all for signs of "work". Jo is adamant her full lips have never been filled, but Angie begs to differ and refuses to back down, which outrages Jo. Meanwhile the men start their own battle as Giles accuses Richard of only pretending to have knowledge of food (he had confused Marsala wine with Indian Masala and expected an Italian curry!). Predictions are that Richard's night will be a culinary disaster.

As the final night begins, Jo's still smarting about Angie's comments on her lips and last host Richard is determined to prove Giles wrong about his skills in the kitchen.  But Richard's food is shockingly bad and his boiled beef and beetroot korma prove a talking point. Giles feels vindicated and doesn't hold back on his comments and his impressions of delving Angie ruffle her feathers as well. Angie's unconvincing apology to Jo about her lip comments ensure there is no love lost between them either. Before the fragile peace shatters, a winner of the £1000 prize is announced, but who will it be?

Produced & Directed by: Lizzie Gill, Lorraine O'Keeffe

Series Producers: Rachel Bloomfield, Amanda Stavri


The brand new series of Come Dine with Me continues this week in Hull. Battling it out over four nights for the £1,000 prize are no nonsense housewife, Beccy Harrison, cheesy DJ Paul Green, marketing girl Eve Clark and am dram director Mark Daniels.

First to host is ‘tell it like it is' Becky with her Thai themed menu - a bit of a gamble as she's entertaining three total strangers who are all Hull born and bred. It might be Becky who is tonight's host, but it quickly becomes more like loud-mouth DJ Paul's evening as he takes over every conversation and can't stop trying to chat up Eve.

Day two and it's drama darling Mark Daniel's turn - he's planned a cunningly worded menu designed to trick his guests into thinking they're eating dishes that they're not. But after Becky's night, Mark's more worried about whether Paul is going to take over his evening than whether his food will surprise them. Naked pictures and rainbow costumes revealed on a guest tour of the house briefly steal the limelight from Paul, but it's not long before all eyes are on him again and Eve and Beccy end up hurting his feelings. However, a cheeky joke from Paul means that by the end of the night he's found a new friend in Becky.

Day three and it's glamorous marketing officer Eve Clark's chance to wow the others with ‘One Hull of a Menu' which includes "Hulloumi Salad". But the biggest joker is still Paul and while Becky has now decided that she likes him, Eve isn't convinced and Mark's not a fan either. Eve's cocktail dress and heels combo get a thumbs up from Paul and he tells her she's ‘bang tidy' and Eve that she's ‘fit' - although neither know quite what to make of it. But they all know what they think of Eve's food - not very much.

Last to host is the man they've been talking about all week - cheesy DJ Paul Green. He's managed to win over Becky, but he's having a harder time with Mark and Eve and they need to succumb if he's going to win the £1000 prize. Paul wants to show that it's ‘never dull in Hull' and is hoping his version of gourmet food and a naff disco will pull in the points. The chance to dance goes down a lot better than his food and a thoughtful gift from Paul means he finds another ally in Mark, but will it be enough to win the competition?

Bristol, Friday 19th August, 8pm, Channel 4

Tonight's brand new episode takes us to Bristol, where, battling it out over four nights for the £1,000 prize are scatty 23-year-old yummy mummy Tess Swan-Ingrey, man of a thousand bad outfits (and even worse jokes), Ian Perryman, 50, VERY loud 42-year-old drugs worker Cathy Lord, and ultra-competitive salesman Tony Boniface, 28.

The first host is shopaholic scatterbrain Tess who soon realises she's in for a noisy week when she opens the door to Ian who's dressed in an eye-watering lime green suit and starts cracking jokes from the word go. Cathy grills Ian on his sexuality, refusing to believe he's not gay, despite the married family man's protestations.  As the evening progresses, Cathy becomes ever more raucous, manhandling Ian and offending a stressed Tess by openly criticising her food. Meanwhile, silent Tony sizes up the competition.

Day two and after yesterday's antics, second host Tony is a man with a master-plan and has no doubts he'll emerge from this week as the winner thanks to his pièce de résistance - an enormous handmade sausage. While a sheepish Cathy retreats into her shell for the night, Tony goes on an all-out charm offensive to win over his guests.  But his smugness soon wears thin, especially when he demands a drum roll for his main course and performs a triumphant ‘sausage dance.'

Day three and it's Cathy's turn to host with her Jamaican menu. After seeing two such different sides of her personality, her guests aren't sure whether to expect wild Cathy or mild Cathy, with Ian admitting he prefers her ‘sedated'. An unbearably smug Tony, convinced he's got the £1,000 in the bag, continues to smarm for all it's worth with gullible Cathy falling for his act.  Despite getting off to a shaky start on the first night, Cathy finally manages to win over the group, leading Ian to admit he's had to completely rethink his views on her.

The final night and expectations are high that host Ian's food will be as flamboyant as he is.  But Ian prefers tinkering with fabulous table décor than getting stuck into cooking.  After criticising Ian's ‘bring your bling' dress code, Tony turns up in a white sequinned jumpsuit, determined to steal the limelight away from the host.  More surprises are in store as his guests discover the truth about ‘wacky' Ian - he's a devoted family man and hopeless romantic. Not one to be serious for too long, Ian then forces them to perform dodgy 80's classic ‘Oops Upside Your Head'. There's a final chance for Cathy to wise-up about two-faced Tony, before the winner walks away with the £1,000 prize.


East Yorkshire - Fri 29 July, 8pm - Channel 4

Tonight's brand new Come Dine With Me comes from East Yorkshire where four strangers are fighting it out for the crown of best dinner party host and the prize of £1000 in cash. Up for the challenge are: big kid Giles Johnson, who enjoys his own lewd humour; sassy masseuse Jo, who's up for a good time; super-inquisitive aesthetic practitioner Angie Ward, who wants to get into everyone's business; and finally hospital manager, Richard Squire, who likes to think he's a foodie.

The week kicks off with giddy Giles hosting. But from the start picky Richard points out his slapdash approach to hosting and the guests are left to fend for themselves, as Giles cooks his menu from scratch. It gives nosy Angie the chance to delve into the private business of some of the others and she makes some snap judgments about Jo's and Giles' love lives, despite having only shared one course together. Angie's direct questions keep her in the limelight for the rest of the meal and earn her the title ‘clairvoyant'.

Day two and it's the turn of masseuse Jo to host. Dubbed a "sexpot" by Angie the night before, the guests find more racy evidence in her bedroom. Prudish Giles asks his host if she wears her knee-length boots on the street corner, which leaves Jo insulted. Foodie Richard is impressed by Jo's food and attention to detail, but gets a shock as Angie earns her clairvoyant's stripes by reading his palm and delivering a staggering revelation about his lifeline. She and Giles start to cross swords as her further attempts to psychoanalyse them all begin to grate. By the time the lemon posset dessert arrives, Richard's knowledge about food is certainly in question as he had confused posset with the barely edible Australian animal, possum!

Night three and it's nosy Angie's turn to host. All the others are keen to turn the spotlight back on her after two days of personal questioning. They discover she's a Botox nurse, which leads to Angie examining them all for signs of "work". Jo is adamant her full lips have never been filled, but Angie begs to differ and refuses to back down, which outrages Jo. Meanwhile the men start their own battle as Giles accuses Richard of only pretending to have knowledge of food (he had confused Marsala wine with Indian Masala and expected an Italian curry!). Predictions are that Richard's night will be a culinary disaster.

As the final night begins, Jo's still smarting about Angie's comments on her lips and last host Richard is determined to prove Giles wrong about his skills in the kitchen.  But Richard's food is shockingly bad and his boiled beef and beetroot korma prove a talking point. Giles feels vindicated and doesn't hold back on his comments and his impressions of delving Angie ruffle her feathers as well. Angie's unconvincing apology to Jo about her lip comments ensure there is no love lost between them either. Before the fragile peace shatters, a winner of the £1000 prize is announced, but who will it be?

Produced & Directed by: Lizzie Gill, Lorraine O'Keeffe

Series Producers: Rachel Bloomfield, Amanda Stavri


The brand new series of Come Dine with Me continues this week in Hull. Battling it out over four nights for the £1,000 prize are no nonsense housewife, Beccy Harrison, cheesy DJ Paul Green, marketing girl Eve Clark and am dram director Mark Daniels.

First to host is ‘tell it like it is' Becky with her Thai themed menu - a bit of a gamble as she's entertaining three total strangers who are all Hull born and bred. It might be Becky who is tonight's host, but it quickly becomes more like loud-mouth DJ Paul's evening as he takes over every conversation and can't stop trying to chat up Eve.

Day two and it's drama darling Mark Daniel's turn - he's planned a cunningly worded menu designed to trick his guests into thinking they're eating dishes that they're not. But after Becky's night, Mark's more worried about whether Paul is going to take over his evening than whether his food will surprise them. Naked pictures and rainbow costumes revealed on a guest tour of the house briefly steal the limelight from Paul, but it's not long before all eyes are on him again and Eve and Beccy end up hurting his feelings. However, a cheeky joke from Paul means that by the end of the night he's found a new friend in Becky.

Day three and it's glamorous marketing officer Eve Clark's chance to wow the others with ‘One Hull of a Menu' which includes "Hulloumi Salad". But the biggest joker is still Paul and while Becky has now decided that she likes him, Eve isn't convinced and Mark's not a fan either. Eve's cocktail dress and heels combo get a thumbs up from Paul and he tells her she's ‘bang tidy' and Eve that she's ‘fit' - although neither know quite what to make of it. But they all know what they think of Eve's food - not very much.

Last to host is the man they've been talking about all week - cheesy DJ Paul Green. He's managed to win over Becky, but he's having a harder time with Mark and Eve and they need to succumb if he's going to win the £1000 prize. Paul wants to show that it's ‘never dull in Hull' and is hoping his version of gourmet food and a naff disco will pull in the points. The chance to dance goes down a lot better than his food and a thoughtful gift from Paul means he finds another ally in Mark, but will it be enough to win the competition?

Bristol, Friday 19th August, 8pm, Channel 4

Tonight's brand new episode takes us to Bristol, where, battling it out over four nights for the £1,000 prize are scatty 23-year-old yummy mummy Tess Swan-Ingrey, man of a thousand bad outfits (and even worse jokes), Ian Perryman, 50, VERY loud 42-year-old drugs worker Cathy Lord, and ultra-competitive salesman Tony Boniface, 28.

The first host is shopaholic scatterbrain Tess who soon realises she's in for a noisy week when she opens the door to Ian who's dressed in an eye-watering lime green suit and starts cracking jokes from the word go. Cathy grills Ian on his sexuality, refusing to believe he's not gay, despite the married family man's protestations.  As the evening progresses, Cathy becomes ever more raucous, manhandling Ian and offending a stressed Tess by openly criticising her food. Meanwhile, silent Tony sizes up the competition.

Day two and after yesterday's antics, second host Tony is a man with a master-plan and has no doubts he'll emerge from this week as the winner thanks to his pièce de résistance - an enormous handmade sausage. While a sheepish Cathy retreats into her shell for the night, Tony goes on an all-out charm offensive to win over his guests.  But his smugness soon wears thin, especially when he demands a drum roll for his main course and performs a triumphant ‘sausage dance.'

Day three and it's Cathy's turn to host with her Jamaican menu. After seeing two such different sides of her personality, her guests aren't sure whether to expect wild Cathy or mild Cathy, with Ian admitting he prefers her ‘sedated'. An unbearably smug Tony, convinced he's got the £1,000 in the bag, continues to smarm for all it's worth with gullible Cathy falling for his act.  Despite getting off to a shaky start on the first night, Cathy finally manages to win over the group, leading Ian to admit he's had to completely rethink his views on her.

The final night and expectations are high that host Ian's food will be as flamboyant as he is.  But Ian prefers tinkering with fabulous table décor than getting stuck into cooking.  After criticising Ian's ‘bring your bling' dress code, Tony turns up in a white sequinned jumpsuit, determined to steal the limelight away from the host.  More surprises are in store as his guests discover the truth about ‘wacky' Ian - he's a devoted family man and hopeless romantic. Not one to be serious for too long, Ian then forces them to perform dodgy 80's classic ‘Oops Upside Your Head'. There's a final chance for Cathy to wise-up about two-faced Tony, before the winner walks away with the £1,000 prize.


East Yorkshire - Fri 29 July, 8pm - Channel 4

Tonight's brand new Come Dine With Me comes from East Yorkshire where four strangers are fighting it out for the crown of best dinner party host and the prize of £1000 in cash. Up for the challenge are: big kid Giles Johnson, who enjoys his own lewd humour; sassy masseuse Jo, who's up for a good time; super-inquisitive aesthetic practitioner Angie Ward, who wants to get into everyone's business; and finally hospital manager, Richard Squire, who likes to think he's a foodie.

The week kicks off with giddy Giles hosting. But from the start picky Richard points out his slapdash approach to hosting and the guests are left to fend for themselves, as Giles cooks his menu from scratch. It gives nosy Angie the chance to delve into the private business of some of the others and she makes some snap judgments about Jo's and Giles' love lives, despite having only shared one course together. Angie's direct questions keep her in the limelight for the rest of the meal and earn her the title ‘clairvoyant'.

Day two and it's the turn of masseuse Jo to host. Dubbed a "sexpot" by Angie the night before, the guests find more racy evidence in her bedroom. Prudish Giles asks his host if she wears her knee-length boots on the street corner, which leaves Jo insulted. Foodie Richard is impressed by Jo's food and attention to detail, but gets a shock as Angie earns her clairvoyant's stripes by reading his palm and delivering a staggering revelation about his lifeline. She and Giles start to cross swords as her further attempts to psychoanalyse them all begin to grate. By the time the lemon posset dessert arrives, Richard's knowledge about food is certainly in question as he had confused posset with the barely edible Australian animal, possum!

Night three and it's nosy Angie's turn to host. All the others are keen to turn the spotlight back on her after two days of personal questioning. They discover she's a Botox nurse, which leads to Angie examining them all for signs of "work". Jo is adamant her full lips have never been filled, but Angie begs to differ and refuses to back down, which outrages Jo. Meanwhile the men start their own battle as Giles accuses Richard of only pretending to have knowledge of food (he had confused Marsala wine with Indian Masala and expected an Italian curry!). Predictions are that Richard's night will be a culinary disaster.

As the final night begins, Jo's still smarting about Angie's comments on her lips and last host Richard is determined to prove Giles wrong about his skills in the kitchen.  But Richard's food is shockingly bad and his boiled beef and beetroot korma prove a talking point. Giles feels vindicated and doesn't hold back on his comments and his impressions of delving Angie ruffle her feathers as well. Angie's unconvincing apology to Jo about her lip comments ensure there is no love lost between them either. Before the fragile peace shatters, a winner of the £1000 prize is announced, but who will it be?

Produced & Directed by: Lizzie Gill, Lorraine O'Keeffe

Series Producers: Rachel Bloomfield, Amanda Stavri