Comedy FAQs

Category: News Release

What are your commissioning priorities?

For C4 we're looking for returnable sitcom scripts for 10pm slots - something with a defining and distinctive setting or conceptual hook to it that would mark it our from anything traditional of conventional in a mainstream sense. We want ideas and setting that haven't been tackled or covered before.

For E4 we're looking for performer/writer led ideas from more emerging talent as well as grabby clip or prank show ideas that would repeat well.

Sending in teaser tapes or you-tube links or inviting us to read-throughs or showcases is always a welcome relief from wading through tons of script.

What are you not interested in?

Anything we already have or exists elsewhere. Please don't just send in loose treatments and one page proposals. In order to fully gauge the writer's voice, humour, originality and ability we'd need to see a script.

Please note we no longer accept scripts from individuals. You must either go through an agent or production company.

Please DO NOT submit proposals to the COMEDY department using the online submission system.

What are the tariff prices for programmes you currently commission?

Narrative Comedy (peak)  £150k-£250k per half hour

Broken scripted comedy (peak)  £100k -£200k per half hour

What is the biggest creative challenge your team or genre faces?

To keep unearthing new writing and performing talent. We want to make hit shows and launch stars so are always trying to find groundbreaking ideas and the very best new wave of talent. All the while bringing as many viewers along with us as possible.

What advice would you give to new talent companies keen to connect with your team?

Be passionate and go to great lengths to demonstrate your dedication and judgement. Bringing projects to life in innovative ways will grab our attention and make a project out - a teaser tape featuring an exciting new talent is worth 100 pages of script. Meet writing and performing agents, sift through lots of things, go see loads of plays and live comedy and put people on our radar you think we don't already know and who have something subversive and unconventional to say.