Complicit press pack

Category: News Release

TX: Sunday 17th February, 9pm, Channel 4

Edward (David Oyelowo), a British MI5 agent, has been monitoring a suspected terrorist in the UK for three years.  He is convinced that Waleed Ahmed (Arsher Ali) is planning an imminent atrocity in the UK involving a ricin attack and is racing against the clock to prove it.  When Waleed is tracked down and arrested in Cairo, Edward's relief is tempered by Waleed's claims that he is an innocent British citizen who has been brutally interrogated by the local police. Edward travels to Cairo to face Waleed, confident that he has enough evidence to tie him to the ricin plot.  But Waleed knows his rights. As a result, Edward is forced to follow instructions and wait.  Meanwhile, his superiors begin to doubt the case against Waleed.  The information Edward has of Waleed's intentions is starting to appear based on supposition, instinct and the flimsiest evidence. Time is running out for Edward, but such is his conviction and determination to protect his country, he finds himself entering into an uncomfortable alliance with the local security service, headed by Colonel Hazem Ashraf (Makram Khoury) who is prepared to secure the proof he needs by whatever means necessary.