
Category: News Release

TX: January

With budgets cut and morale at an all-time low, police forces across the UK are facing their harshest challenge for decades.

Against a backdrop of rising crime and this summer's shocking civil unrest, the acclaimed documentary series Coppers returns to lift the lid on what it's really like to police 21st Century Britain and its increasingly disorderly population.

From the Armed Response teams on the riot-torn streets of Nottingham to beat bobbies patrolling the quiet country lanes of rural Perthshire, the series hears directly - and with incredible candour - what officers on the front line really think about the job they do and the people they deal with.

From hard-bitten CID detectives battling burglars to wet-behind-the-ears rookies confronting their first junkies and drunks, Coppers discovers how it feels to face a seemingly endless tide of criminality.

With the thin blue line stretched almost to breaking point, these ordinary officers reflect on the increasing pressures and frustrations of doing such a tough and often thankless job. With disarming honesty and more than a flash of dark humour, police officers from very different beats step forward to tell it like it really is.

Production company
Blast! Films