Critically acclaimed series Prison set to return to Channel 4

Category: News Release

Paddy Wivell’s critically acclaimed series Prison has been recommissioned from Spring Films for Channel 4 by Commissioning Editor Rita Daniels. 

Prison offers unprecedented access to life behind bars with a rare access to a Woman's prison, the series produced and directed by Paddy Wivell tells the human story on both sides of the door: staff and prisoners, and the real issues facing them.  The new series of Prison will focus on female inmates and explore the very different challenges facing incarcerated women.

Stepping away from the ‘over the officers’ shoulder’ view of prisoners, the series shows an intimate, human face of prison life.

Commissioning Editor: Rita Daniels
Production Company: Spring Films
Series Producer and Director: Paddy Wivell
Executive Producers: Kathy Myers and Richard Melman