Alternate Christmas Message

Danny Dyer to deliver Channel 4's Alternative Christmas Message

Category: News Release

TX: 25th December at 3.50pm on Channel 4

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Actor and broadcaster Danny Dyer, the unofficial man of the people, is to deliver this year’s Channel 4 Alternative Christmas Message.

Picture the scene, the post-Christmas Day kitchen carnage, rubbish everywhere, everyone fighting to be heard and nowhere to sit down and relax. Enter Danny Dyer.

Sipping tea out of a Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Royal Wedding mug, Danny reflects on a “pretty full on” year. He goes on to give his view candidly about the lack of leadership in this country.

"That shambles down in Westminster, what a palava that is. I mean where are our leaders? Where are they? There’s been more backstabbing than we have in Albert Square.”

Donald Trump doesn’t get off lightly where Danny is concerned either – he gets both barrels for both not turning up to the Armistice memorial as it was raining and for cancelling his trip to Britain.

“It ain't any better for the Yanks though is it, you know, what an absolute melt they've got there. He don't want to turn up to memorials because it's raining. He don't fancy a little trip to Britain because there's people here that just don't like him. Leave off.”

On a more positive note, Danny raises a glass to both to the heroes of 1918 to mark both 100 years since the Armistice of World War I and the victory in the fight for the women’s vote. 

In the Alternative Christmas Message, which will be broadcast on Christmas Day at 3.50pm on Channel 4, Danny calls for more heroes and role models, citing his mum, Nan – and in later years, Harold Pinter, as his.

“That’s what I think we need more of, heroes, role models. If we need anything for 2019, it’s for each of us to find who we look up to. Could be your mum, could be your dad, your stepdad, your Nan, teacher, social worker. Maybe even a handsome roguish actor off your favourite soap.”

He talks of Pinter, “a father figure I didn’t even know I needed,” teaching him “that where I came from didn’t dictate where I went to” and he’s tried to pass this message on.

I teach my girls they can be who they want to be, and I try and teach my boy to be a good man. Now don’t get me wrong, I ain’t no saint, you know, I can do better. I think we can all do better. And as dads, we can’t stop trying to do better until there’s no need for hashtags to remind us that no means no.”

He signs off with a thoughtful reflection, “Life can get a little stressful and we might get on each other’s nerves a bit, but remember how much there is to be proud of, to be grateful of, and get yourself a Harold, you know, if you can …. Merry Christmas, my loves.”

The Alternative Christmas Message is a Rumpus Media production.  

Tom Beck, Head of Live Events and Commissioning Editor for Entertainment at Channel 4 said, “We’re thrilled to have Danny Dyer delivering this year’s Alternative Christmas Message. From his colourful opinions on Brexit to his hilarious and moving appearance with daughter Dani on Celebrity Gogglebox, when Danny speaks, people listen. His message is full of wit, heart and just the right amount of Dyer attitude. Merry Christmas loves!”

The Alternative Christmas Message was commissioned by Tom Beck, Channel 4’s Head of Live Events and Commissioning Editor for Entertainment. It is a Rumpus Media production.


Notes to Editors

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Broadcast and online video clips are available on request.

This year’s Twitter hashtag is #AltXmas 

First airing in 1993, the Channel 4 Christmas message - the alternative to the Queens annual televised message to the nation - has previously featured an illustrious and varied selection of presenters, including the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whistleblower Edward Snowden, Afghan war veteran Major Andrew Stockton, William Pooley, the British nurst who survived Ebola, Adam Hills, Katie Piper, Quentin Crisp, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Doreen and Neville Lawrence, The Simpsons, and 9/11 survivor Genelle Guzman. Last year’s message was delivered by children who survived the Grenfell Tower disaster. 


Ten to four, Christmas Day. (Sigh) That's it just breathe.

Kids running around, smashing the gaffe to pieces.

Mother-in-law's on me, whack the heating up, whack the heating up. Dog's spewed, again.

So I don't know about you but, it's starting to do my swede in.

(Pointing at mug) Oh yeah, nice one Harry, by the way if you're watching. You should be watching, your nan finished ages ago.

This year's been pretty full on to be honest. You know like that shambles down at Westminster, what a palava that is. I mean where are our leaders? Where are they?

There's been more backstabbing than we have in Albert Square.

It ain't any better for the Yanks though is it, you know, what an absolute melt they've got there. He don't want to turn up to memorials because it's raining. He don't fancy a little trip to Britain because there's people here that just don't like him. Leave off.

I'm having one of them (Eats pig in blanket)

I don't know I just... Sorry, I'm not trying to seem all profound or nothing it's just these things are repeating on me, just talk amongst yourselves.  pardon me.

There's no value in me getting all mardy. I've realised how much there is to be proud of this year you know.

2018 marked a hundred years since our boys finally came home from France, well, some of them. Battered, ruined, desperate, broke. Many of them being told they were mad, when in reality they were nothing but heroes. Just like the women, who a hundred years ago had to starve themselves in prison and throw themselves under horses, just to win the right to vote.

That's what I think we need more of, heroes. Role models. If we need anything for 2019 it's for each of us to find who we look up to. Could be your mum, could be your dad, your stepdad, your nan, teacher, social worker, maybe even a handsome roguish actor off your favourite soap, I don't know.

My dad... he weren't around when I was a kid. And er... you know I love him and that, I don't blame him. I was brought up by my mum and my nan, and  they were brilliant women, and they worked their socks off for me but I was angry, and I got into trouble you know. I had the old bill round my gaffe every five minutes. I was a wrong-un. And no-one knew how to help me. And then one day I found a father figure I didn't even know I needed. 

I went for an audition for a play and I met this old geezer who wrote it, he was an east ender he was a West Ham fan just like me. He thought I was alright and he gave me the part. Turns out it was a fella called Harold Pinter (laughs) Yeah that Harold Pinter. He became the most influential man in my life and that was exactly what I needed. He taught me that where I came from didn't dictate where I went to. And when the critics got on my back saying I couldn't act I always knew that Harold Pinter thought I could, and that was enough for me.

Now I'm just trying to do the same for my kids. You know trying to be a positive influence, set an example. I teach my girls they can be who they want to be and I try and teach my boy to be a good man. Now don't get me wrong I ain't no saint, you know, I can do better. I think we can all do better. And as dad's, we can't stop trying to do better until there's no need for hashtags to remind us that no means no.

So what we saying then? Life can get a little stressful. We might get on each other’s nerves a bit but remember how much there is to be proud of. To be grateful of. And get yourself a Harold, you know, if you can.

Right that's my five minutes, Merry Christmas my loves.