Daytime FAQs

Category: News Release

What are your commissioning priorities?

5 o'clock is very much the priority at the moment.  We are looking for talent-led studio shows, gameshows and fact-ent formats to sit in the Come Dine With Me/Coach Trip slot.

What are you not interested in?

We are not interested in traditionally Daytime ideas which would work on any channel.  We want shows which stand out as being 'Channel 4' in tone and style and which could potentially transfer to peak in the way that Come Dine With Me has.  Subject areas we are not looking for include antiques, art, pets and gardening.

What are the tariff prices for programmes you currently commission?

£50k per hour.

What is the biggest creative challenge your team or genre faces?

Finding shows which are distinctive, witty and will punch above their weight in terms of ratings.

What advice would you give to new talent companies keen to connect with your team?

In the first instance, you can submit ideas directly to the Commissioning Editor.  We are happy for these to be top-line thoughts, rather than fully-researched proposals.