Drifters video interviews (embeds available)

Category: News Release

Here’s the thing: Employing actors is very expensive these days (though they should make a certain amount from tips at the end of the meal…) So, when it came to casting the three leads in E4’s fab comedy Drifters, rather than employ three actors to play the feckless, hopeless, un-motivated, lackadaisical, irresponsible, workshy leads, we just picked three people who already fitted the bill. (Luckily, they all turned out to be actors anyway).

The three have got drifting down to a fine art. One spent a summer as a vending machine assistant (Job spec: Tell people how to operate a vending machine). One had a job phoning people to tell them the Yellow Pages was getting smaller. Yes, really. And one left drama school dreaming of Oscars, only to end up becoming a professional clown.

Here, in these three delectable bite-size chunks of video-deliciousness, they reveal more about their misspent youth and filming the series. AND you can embed them, you lucky, lucky people.

Oh, and do try to remember to mention that Drifters is on E4 on Thursdays at 9:30pm, there's a good egg.

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