Eden - meet the group

Category: News Release


Left to right  in the picture - Robert J, Andrew, Lloyd, Jasmine, Matt, Stephen, Tara, Caroline, Rachel, Josie, Robert P, Katie, Raphael, Jenna, Tom, Jane, Jack, Ali, Oli, Glenn, Sam, Ben and Anton


List of Eden contributors

Ali (Junior Doctor, 24)

Andrew (Shopfitter, 34)

Anton (Rowing coach, 41)

Ben (Embedded crew, 37)

Caroline (Dog groomer & Shepherdess, 27)

Glenn (IT Consultant & Gamekeeper, 35) 

Jack (Former Army Officer, 31)

Jane (Embedded crew, 42)

Jasmine (Personal Trainer and Yoga instructor, 24)

Jenna (Junior Doctor, 27)

Josie (Shop Assistant, 26)

Katie (Marine Conservationist and Artist, 30)

Lloyd (Locksmith and Fisherman, 37)

Matt (Embedded crew, 32)

Oli (Embedded crew, 37)

Rachel (Food Development Officer, 29)

Raphael (Carpenter, 55)

Robert J (Student, 26)

Robert P (Vet, 28)

Sam (Paramedic, 25)

Stephen (Chef, 26)

Tara (Life Coach, 33)

Tom (Outdoor instructor, 25)


In March 2016 23 men and women entered Eden.  For an entire year the group - which includes a doctor, vet, chef, carpenter and shepherdess - will get the chance to start again, take on the challenge of building a new life and creating a society from scratch.  Together they will decide how they want to live as a community isolated from the rest of the modern world, in a remote area of the British Isles.

The series is filmed from the inside by an embedded crew, personal cameras and one of the largest and most remote fixed rigs created for television, across 600 acres of land in the Scottish Highlands.

With no prescribed infrastructure, the group will take in with them only what they can carry and the basics needed to kick start their experience, including the tools of their trade. What they do and how they do it is up to them.  The series will follow the groups’ journey as they debate their own rules and laws, decide if they want to live together or separately, accept majority decisions or do as each of them pleases.  Over 12 months, how will they work together to build their own shelter, grow their own food and raise their own livestock?

In Eden there are no tasks, no winner and it’s down to the contributors to shape what success looks like over the year. With many of the young contributors entering Eden feeling disillusioned with 21st century life, how will they fare when their future is in their own hands?

The series aims to challenge everything about modern living, raising questions about what we need to be happy, what we want from our communities and how we are influenced by society as a whole.

The series was commissioned for Channel 4 by Head of Entertainment Liam Humphreys and Factual Entertainment Commissioning Editor Ian Dunkley. It has been produced by KEO Films with Executive Producer Andrew Palmer and Series Editors Liz Foley and Sunshine Jackson. The series will TX on Channel 4 on Monday 18th July at 21.00.