Eurotrash returns to Channel 4

Category: News Release

As the British nation prepares to vote of the Brexit referendum on 23rd June, Eurotrash returns with édition spéciale to remind us of the many, varied and occasionally alarming cultural delights enjoyed by our European cousins.

At a time when we are deciding whether to break up with or embrace our relationship with the EU the eternally debonair Antoine de Caunes and Jean Paul Gaultier will return to remind us, their straight laced British chums, of some of the best, worst and weirdest things that Europe has offered us over the years.

Looking at European politics, fashion, art, music and sex this one-off show will celebrate the passions of those crazy continentals on our doorstep and find out exactly what they have been up in the decade since we last checked up on them.

From a brand new Eurotrash studio Antoine and Jean Paul will be joined by assorted European guests all there to remind us that, with our without them, we really are just a very sad and insignificant little island with bad food and terrible teeth.

Forming part of Channel 4’s Brexit offering this special has been commissioned by former Rapido Series Producer Ian Dunkley now Commissioning Editor, Factual Entertainment and Syeda Irtizaali, Commissioning Editor, Entertainment. The show is being made by TwentyTwenty in association with Rapido Television.

Dunkley said of the commission “C'est avec le coeur qui bat la chamade que nous allons diffuser, l'occasion d'un soir seulement, une émission synonyme de la télé des années 90 et qui pour beaucoup d'entre nous était notre première leçon de 'culture européenne'. Vivement Pepe et Popo!”

Tim Carter, CEO Twenty Twenty Productions, says “Eurotrash is the reason most of us work in telly! I'm sure when it comes to the Referendum, it will be Euortrash wot wins it ...for which side is anyone's guess.”


For more information: Kate Conway, Channel 4 Press Office