
Category: News Release

The web is bursting with thousands of short videos showing amateur daredevils around the world achieving unbelievable, thrilling, funny or downright dangerous stunts. These clips show incredible feats of bravery, skill or plain old idiocy filmed by ordinary people and posted online for our entertainment.

Unruly engineer Tim Shaw wants to uncover the truth behind these clips. Partnering up with his daredevil friend and guinea pig Buddy Munro, the pair will travel the globe to remake some of the world’s most hair-raising virals and find out the science behind how on earth they are possible.

Far from stuffy lab conditions, Tim and Buddy will be taking their tests to the streets, abandoned buildings and the great outdoors, to unearth the mysteries of these clips. By unpicking the footage frame by frame, Tim uses his engineering insights to uncover the elegant scientific principals behind each of these seemingly fluky stunts.

The laws of science will be put to the test, but will Tim and Buddy’s adventures result in a triumphant win or an epic fail?


Production company: NERD TV


Executive Producers: John Farrar and Jago Lee
Series Producer/Director: Stephen Shearman


Publicity: Nick Walker and CC Clark, Channel 4 Press Office
Picture Publicity: Nathalie Mohoboob, Channel 4 Press Office