
Category: News Release

Fern, Daily at 5pm from Mon 28 March on Channel 4

One of the UK's best loved TV personalities makes a welcome return as Fern Britton launches her brand new chat show.

As one of the country's most successful presenters, Fern brings real versatility, intelligence and warmth to the channel - she is also a first rate journalist who has gone head-to-head with the likes of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Alastair Campbell.

Produced by Cactus TV, Fern will be an hour-long, daily programme with a mix of real people's true stories, celebrity and entertainment.

The series will feature the best in celebrity guests as Fern applies her unique and insightful interview style to get the very best out of them for a show packed with laughter and surprises. 

Filmed in the round, members of the live studio audience will share their amazing experiences and viewers will cry, laugh and be outraged with the audience, while Fern is on hand to offer anything from expert advice, a shoulder to cry on, a treat, a revelation or some tough love.

Fern said: I am thrilled to be working with Channel 4 and Cactus TV and I am very excited about being in on the start of a brand new show. I'm working with a great team and together we shall rise to the challenge.