The Five Quiz Trippers

Category: News Release

Kevin, 61 from Belfast: Retired teacher and seasonal Santa, Kevin say's he is a sucker for a quiz. His quiz-playing credentials are the best of the group... almost; 25 years ago he was a contestant on 15 to 1, which he admits making a pig's ear of, he's been on Countdown, but was beaten by 10 points, and then was on Mastermind, which he also lost. Can he turn his losing streak around this time and bring the team to victory?

Audrey, 47 from Manchester: As a holistic therapist and part-time psychic, Audrey hopes her extra-terrestrial abilities could be an advantage to the team. Her first prediction is that there will be turbulence amongst the group before the calm, but will her attributes be appreciated by her fellow team members?

Jen, 52 from Edinburgh: I.T. consultant Jen admits to not having one strong subject and instead believes she is an all-rounder, with a great level of knowledge in every area so will be a great asset to the team. Her main concerns aren't winning the daily quizzes however, but how all five of them will get along in such cramped living conditions.

Alan, 23 from Glasgow: Alan admits to having a head full of useless stuff which can only be handy in one realm of the world - the realm of pub quizzes. And as a self-employed quiz host, he believes his insider knowledge should give the team an edge in the competition. 

Lauren, 26 from San Francisco: Zany Lauren is the manager of an improvisation troupe in Edinburgh and is a self-confessed odd ball with a wacky personality. As an only child, Lauren says she always wants someone to play with, but with her admission that she knows nothing about Britain, will the rest of the team be so welcoming to the young yank?