Foxes Live: Wild in the City

Category: News Release

TX: April

No other wild animal divides public opinion quite like the urban fox, yet we know surprisingly little about them.

Foxes Live: Wild in the City will launch a multi-platform campaign to educate the nation in an attempt to track and follow foxes across the UK and find out more about this elusive creature. Presented by Mark Evans and drawing the expertise of Dr Dawn Scott, Head of Biology and Biomedical Sciences Division at University of Brighton and Dr Phil Baker, School of Biological Sciences at University of Reading, the campaign will culminate in three live broadcasts from across the country as the project explores whether this mischievous animal deserves its reputation as a devious creature of the night.

The power is in the hands of the viewers: everyone who owns a smart phone is a potential wildlife photographer, and harnessing the power of interactive Britain and citizen science provides a chance to revolutionise our natural history research and knowledge. This ambitious project will also gather footage from state-of-the-art tracking technology, camera rigs and user-generated content to provide a fox-eye view of Britain's cities: from the undersides of our garden sheds where they sleep to the industrial estates where they mate.

The UK is home to thousands of foxes and there is now a need to understand how this animal lives in our cities and how we and our pets can co-exist with them. Foxes provoke either love or hate. Urban menace or furry friend: you decide.

Production Company
Windfall Films