Freaky Sleepers

Category: News Release

The stresses of modern day Britain along with a double-dip recession are fuelling a boom in extreme sleep disorders. As we evolve and change with technology, so do our sleep problems. The rise of freaky sleep disorders are leading people to behave in bizarre, entertaining and sometimes dangerous ways while they're technically out cold. Some of the sleep conditions are so extreme they can have an effect on relationships and even be life threatening.

Freak Sleepers looks at the new wave of extraordinary stress related sleep disorders, following sufferers as they attempt to find a solution to their sleeping problems. Tom, 23 from Torquay suffers from extreme night terrors and has now twice jumped out of a window whilst still asleep.  On the last occasion he fell over 30 feet splitting open his leg and head and had severe bruising all over his body. Dave, 29 from St Helens attacked his wife in his sleep and as a result, they have decided to put their plans to start a family on hold. Christian, 22 from Kent has a bizarre sleep disorder known as ‘sexsomnia'.  He regularly starts having sex with his partner during his sleep, putting great strain on their relationship. Finally Barry, 34 from Liverpool, is a sleep-eater and sleep-texter and his night time activities are causing him stress and humiliation. 

In the UK, sleep clinics are being inundated with patients trying to seek help however with sleep medicine in its infancy and most treatments being a matter of trial and error prescriptions; will doctors ever be able to provide an effective cure and allow these sleep sufferers to have a decent night's kip.

Production Company: RDF Television, a Zodiak Media company

Producer/Director: Liz Friend

Exec Producer: Tayte Simpson