Fresh Meat

Category: News Release

Camilla Campbell, Head of Drama


From the award-winning creators of Peep Show, Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong, and with a brilliant young cast, Fresh Meat is Channel 4's latest comedy drama series (8 x 45'), currently filming on location in Manchester for autumn tx.

The series follows a group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives thus far - University! Away from home for the first time, on the brink of adult life, they are about to discover who they really are. From the moment they ship up as freshers at their shared house, their lives are destined to collide, overlap and run the whole gamut of appalling behaviour and terrible errors of judgement.

They are: JP (Jack Whitehall), public school boy with good teeth and an inflated sense of entitlement; Kingsley (Joe Thomas), charming, loveable and crushingly insecure; Josie (Kimberley Nixon), overly enthusiastic, determined to experience ‘new things', however bad they are for you. Then there's socially awkward and know-it-all Howard (Greg McHugh); straight talking, hard-living Vod (Zawe Ashton); and finally Oregon (Charlotte Ritchie), desperate to be cool and terrified of being boring. The cast also includes Robert Webb as the university's geology tutor.

 C4 Head of Drama, Camilla Campbell, says:

‘I am delighted to be able to announce our exciting cast of the best of today's talent for a brand-new comedy drama series for Channel 4.

‘Sam and Jesse are bringing their customary incisive comedy to the drama output, and the result is a hilarious and painfully truthful series about being a student.'

Fresh Meat will be made by Objective Productions and Lime Pictures and produced by Rhonda Smith.The series is executive produced by Judy Counihan and Phil Clarke for Objective Productions and Tony Wood for Lime.