
Category: News Release

AGE: 27

FROM: Manchester

LIVING: In New York for 4 years, currently residing in The West Village

OCCUPATION: Joint business owner of a printing company and now opening his own bar




After he graduated in the UK Gagan worked with his dad in property but he wanted a new and bigger challenge. Feeling bored of Manchester he came to NY in 2010 and ended up staying. His move meant that he had to support himself financially, so he’s worked really hard for the success he now has.

Gagan and Sophie Pape are acquaintances through work and he’s been known to seek her opinion on matters. He’s also recently hired his sister Simran to work on his latest risky business venture, opening the only bar in NY where you can dock a boat on the water.


The bar is Gagan’s latest addition to his rapidly expanding empire. In the past 18 months he’s also set up his own successful printing company with his cousin.


He’s currently single and looking for a lucky lady.

Q&A with GAGAN

What made you decide to move to New York?

I came to NYC on holiday and stayed, didn’t return home for 6-8 months until I got settled with a job and apartment then returned home to collect all my stuff and back to NYC. I’ve always wanted to live here since I was a kid and fell in love with the city.


If you were back in the UK how do you think your life would be different? Would you be following a different career path or would your love life be different in any way?

Yes, completely different career path, I would be working in my family business, taking over my father’s companies. My love life would also be different as I think if I lived in Manchester where I am from I may have settled down by now. Being NYC it’s the norm being single at an older age unlike back home where I feel people settle down at a much younger age. NYC is the perfect city for any young single guy, there is an abundance of beautiful women here.


What do you miss most from home and what are the best and worst things about living in New York?

Miss my family and friends mostly, it’s hard to keep in touch with everyone back home, I feel like a lot of my friends have grown distant as I don’t get a chance to keep in contact as much as I used to. I do fly home a lot so I get to see most people and I always have friends coming to visit in NYC. I miss some types of food that we don’t get in NYC, my favourite being a full English, it just isn’t the same in America no matter how hard they try to mimic it.


Tell us your top 3 highlights since landing in New York?

The huge decision of coming here on holiday and staying, completely changed my life!

Quitting my day job 2 years ago and opening my own company that did extremely well.

Buying / opening my first bar / club in NYC this year.