
Category: News Release

Episode 1, Monday 25th November, 8pm, E4

Geeks sees groups of self-confessed geeks swap quantum physics for glow sticks as they go on a holiday of a lifetime.

Awkwardness on a grand scale will ensue, as each week a group of nerdy boys and geeky girls jet off to one of the world’s most notorious party destinations to live together and be given VIP AAA passes to the hottest clubs and parties for the first time in their lives.

In this first episode, we meet four girls from Norwich University’s Quidditich team, who prefer a casual cruise on their broomsticks to a high-octane cruise on a party boat, as they are dropped in to the glamorous party paradise that is Marbella. Unsurprisingly, the girls aren’t impressed as they find themselves surrounded by bikini-clad holidaymakers and wonder what they’ve let themselves in for.

Dread turns to delight as the girls check in to their lavish five star villa, but their peace is soon shattered by the arrival of three unexpected housemates: the boys. These three physics nerds from York find it tough to even talk to the opposite sex, let alone share a home with them and it’s evident from the outset that they have absolutely no idea how to handle the feisty Quidditch players.

That night, the group are introduced to their party partner Ross AKA ‘Mr Marbella’, who leads them through the velvet rope of a clubbing hot spot and in to their very own VIP Jacuzzi room. But disaster strikes for physicist Pete as he realizes he’s left his swim shorts at home. Opting to take the plunge in his undies, it’s not long before it all gets too much for the tongue-tied scientist - and he’s not alone. Quidditch girl Stevie is struggling to acclimatize to the vast differences in the in-crowd’s lifestyle and feels like she’ll never get on with the girls in the high heels and skimpy dresses.

As the week progresses, the two geeky groups begin to bond over their aversion to the outlandish Marbella party people. This is strengthened when Ross scores them an invite to an exclusive pool party. They feel like fish out of water as the party types cavort in the pool, but it’s not long before the girls are chatted up and the boys make waves with the in-crowd.

On their penultimate night out, the group gets the VIP treatment at one of Marbella’s hippest clubs and actually find themselves enjoying it. They like the music, and Jacob, probably the shyest of the Scientists talks to some girls he’s never met, and dances with them – a major milestone for him. We also see a friendship growing between Stevie and Sam – could a holiday romance be on the cards?

On a high after their night on the tiles, the geeks hatch a plan: they decide to invite Ross and his mates over to experience their ultimate party, which involves both Quidditch and physics. As Marbs’ elite descend on the villa they are initially anxious, but soon find their groove.  Pete breakdances in one of the most awkward dance offs Marbella has ever seen, but it goes down brilliantly. The house chants his name and Ross proclaims he is a ‘Marbella Boy’. Meanwhile, Sam decides that the Marbs revelers aren’t as pretentious as he first thought, but has to get over the fact that Stevie only sees him as a mate.  

As our geeky gang leave the bright lights of Marbs and head home, they reflect on all they’ve learned - their new found confidence, new found friends, some new found dance moves and a realization that they were just as guilty of judging a book by its cover as the in-crowd themselves.