
Category: News Release

Every night over 20 million of us enjoy an evening in front of the telly, but imagine if the TV looked back at you - what would it see? Channel 4 goes into the living rooms across Britain to get the nation’s real reactions to the week’s biggest and best TV shows.

Gogglebox is a brand new entertainment factual series which will see Britain's most opinionated households comment freely on the biggest and best shows on television. Filmed over seven days from the comfort of their own sofas, these telly fanatics will be asked to critique and review popular and topical TV shows and the breaking news stories of the week. Produced within an extremely quick turnaround means only the most relevant and current TV shows will be the talking points of these living rooms in Britain.

The selected Gogglebox households are the experts when it comes to what's on the box, they are entertaining, outspoken, emotional and irreverent and not only do they love to watch telly - they love to talk about it too.

Each week, they could be asked to comment on the nation's favourite soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street or the gripping drama that everyone’s talking about. Popular Saturday night entertainment shows will be fiercely debated as well as hard hitting factual documentaries and the water cooler love-to-hate shows. All of this could be easily interrupted by breaking news stories and controversial TV events; but whatever is on the box these households won’t be holding back on their opinions.

Friends, families and flatmates across the UK live their lives in front of the TV watching an average of four hours and two minutes of television every single day. Gogglebox will show the best of the nation's sofa loving households to witness and capture their hours spent in front of the telly and find out what Britain really thinks.

Caroline Aherne, creator and star of The Royle Family, is the narrator of Gogglebox.

Gogglebox is a 4-part series and starts on Thursday 7th March at 10pm on Channel 4.