Gogglebox cast seek Google Home's help in exclusive Channel 4 campaign

Category: News Release

Channel 4, in partnership with Google and OMD, today announces a bespoke ad campaign starring the broadcaster’s much loved Goggleboxers interacting with the brand new Google Home and Google Home Mini devices.

The unique campaign launches with an entire ad break takeover on Friday 27th October at approx. 9.10pm during smash hit entertainment show Gogglebox.

Viewers will see the Warner sisters, the Malone, Michael and Siddiqui families watching the latest episode of Channel 4’s documentary series The Secret Life of the Zoo as they each pose questions inspired by the show, which sees the birth of a seventy kilo Giraffe, and their reactions to the devices’ answers.

The campaign demonstrates how helpful the smart hands-free speakers, powered by Google Assistant, are by educating the astounded Goggleboxers with giraffe facts and the journey to Chester Zoo; The Siddiqui’s set a timer for dinner; Ellie and Izzi test Google’s comedic talents by requesting a joke whilst the Michaels are in need of dinner recommendations and a little spelling help as Carolyne admits that she struggles with the word diarrhoea.

The partnership was brokered by 4Sales, Google’s media agency OMD whilst Studio Lambert was responsible for production.  

Additional 10 and 20 second versions of the full ad will air across Channel 4 from the launch until mid-December.

Chris Braithwaite, Agency Principal, Channel 4 said: “This collaboration is a great example of how clients are using our hugely popular talent and programme brands to create entertaining ad campaigns that the Channel 4 audience will instantly engage with.”

Graham Bednash, Consumer Marketing Director, Google said: "This partnership with such a well-loved show as Gogglebox, is the perfect way to show how real families find Google Home helpful in their day-to-day lives."

Marcos Angelides, Strategy Director, OMD said: “We’re incredibly proud to launch this exciting new campaign for Google. It’s been a mammoth project which wouldn’t have been possible without seamless collaboration between Google, 4Sales, OMD and Studio Lambert. Now in its tenth season, Gogglebox is a firm British telly favourite and this partnership with Channel 4 is the perfect fit for Google. We can’t think of a better way to introduce the new Google devices than by asking our favourite Goggleboxers to try them out for themselves!”
