Grayson Perry: Rites of Passage: Coming of Age Clips

Category: News Release

In this closing episode, the rite of passage Grayson Perry explores is one with meaning and importance we often struggle to comprehend in modern Britain: coming of age. Grayson travels to the most remote place he's ever visited - deep into the Amazonian rainforest in western Brazil - to spend time with the Tikuna people.

Back in the UK, Grayson meets a group of teenage girls from the Lewisham Young Women's Hub in south London. He finds them facing many of the same challenges as the Tikuna girls - but with no clear rite of passage to help guide them, and all the additional pressures of our social media-dominated world to deal with, such as cyberbullying, sexting and trolling. With Grayson's help, the young women devise their own ceremony, which reflects the very contemporary issues they need to navigate.

Grayson Perry: Rites of Passage: Coming of Age TX's Thursday 13th September at 10pm

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