The Great British Bake Off: The Eighth Baker Leaves the Tent

Category: News Release

In Tuesday night’s episode of The Great British Bake Off on Channel 4, Matty was named Star Baker and Cristy was the eighth baker to leave the tent.

It was week 8 in the tent and the Bakers popped on their party hats and started off with a bake that has graced party tables up and down the country for decades, the good old sausage roll! A fun chocolate party cake in the technical followed, and the bakers produced an “Anything but Beige-Buffet” showstopper.

Everything you need to know about Bake Off Season 14

At the end of the episode Noel announced that Matty was the Star Baker and Alison had the difficult job of telling Cristy that she would be the eighth Baker to leave the series. 

Prue said ‘I am so sorry to see Cristy go because she cares so much and she is a really really good baker.’

Cristy said on the show: ‘It has  been such a crazy fast paced experience. So I can now sit back and reflect on what an amazing time I have had.  I am really proud to have got this far.  I am really proud’.

And here she talks about her experience on the series: ‘The most emotional thing about leaving the show was Alison crying which made me cry more. I was prepared already in my mind as I knew I hadn’t done enough to stay. I was feeling so exhausted and homesick at this point so I truly felt ready to leave but at the same time so emotional to be saying goodbye ….Everyone was so lovely and kind, gosh I love them all so much! x

‘I’ve learnt to ignore fear and go for it! I never thought on week 1 I would reach the quarter finals

I suffered with impostor syndrome quite badly but I just ignored that horrible thought and pushed through. I think as long as you are trying your best, there’s no such thing as failure.  I’ve learned self love and belief too.

‘The best moment was getting a Paul Hollywood hand shake and star baker :)  My worst moment was demoulding my entremet in Dessert week and it cracking with about 20 minutes to go lol….

Not my finest showstopper the entremet on Week 6, but when you are actually in the moment it seems such a big deal and emotions are always charged in the tent.  Then when you watch it back, you realise it is only cake at the end of the day and not such a big deal, and I got a lot of lovely messages on social media.

‘I’d say the 3d animal cake was my favourite challenge because all the bakers were still in the tent at that point and we were all blown away at everyone’s beautiful creations at the end. Also it was the final challenge of the first episode and we could all relax. 

‘Botanical week showstopper was my worst challenge - I still get flashbacks of the cracking.

The funniest moment for me was when we did the steamed pudding technical challenge and all of our bakes came out raw! Matty made me cry with laughter as his were liquid. When we sat on the stools and Paul walked in looking fuming we felt like school kids about to be told off by the headteacher lol.

‘Getting the comments from Paul and Prue really helped me especially as the weeks went on, and if I did ever get emotional in the tent when things went wrong I got a lot of love and support from Alison and Noel, they were always there.   Equally we had such a laugh in the lighter times!

‘My kids watch it, not the littlest one, and my eldest daughter really loves it and it inspires her to bake. I think she is secretly quite proud of mummy being on the telly, and her teachers keep talking to her about Bake Off.  It’s quite a challenge at the school gates now,  I don’t get a quick exit as there are so many questions about the show!

‘The Bakers’ love and care we all have for each other is so special for me.  And I will keep going even when I feel scared or anxious, and try to believe in myself more. I don’t know what’s in store for me next but the sky’s the limit and I’m going to take everything in my stride!

‘To anyone thinking about applying for the next series, I would say go for it and enjoy the whole process and try not to take it too seriously – easier said than done – but believe in yourself and you will be fine.’

Cristy will join Jo Brand and Tom Allen on AN EXTRA SLICE on Thursday 16 November on Channel 4 at 8pm.



East London

Mum & PA

Life with four children means that, for Cristy, there always seems to be a birthday to bake for and an exciting party to plan. She describes her baking style as enchanted and pretty – bakes that conjure up a sense of childhood. Cakes are her speciality, and she draws flavour inspiration from her own Israeli heritage and from her husband’s Jamaican roots. She is a dab hand with decoration and gets a thrill out of making sure the results look perfect. When she’s not organising a celebration, you can find her having an outdoor adventure, letting her hair down with her friends, or solving a Rubik’s cube – in under 4 minutes!


The Great British Bake Off is looking for a fresh batch of bakers for 2024

If you think you’ve got what it bakes to be in the tent, take a whisk and choux us what you’ve got!

Applications close 2nd January 2024 at 1pm.