Bake Off Juergen

The Great British Bake Off: The Ninth Baker Leaves The Tent

Category: News Release

In Tuesday night’s episode of The Great British Bake Off on Channel 4,  Crystelle was named Star Baker for the second time by Noel,  and it was time for Jürgen, 56 from Brighton to leave the tent.


It was the semi-final of The Great British Bake Off 2021 and it was the perfect time to test the remaining bakers abilities in patisserie.  Firstly there was a delicate layered slice signature that demanded precision, followed by a regional French classic in the technical.  Finally a showstopper where the bakers had to use all their skills to create an opulent Entremets display.


Matt had to deliver the bad news that it would be Jürgen  leaving the tent this week.  On the show  Jürgen  said:  ‘I feel kind of ok, I kind of saw it coming, I think the others are more shocked than I am.  It has been incredible and I have really enjoyed being here.  I have made friends for life, and I will be with them in spirit.’


Crystelle said:  ‘Jürgen  has been an inspiration, he is one of the most incredible bakers ever.’


Paul said: ‘We are now picking the worst of the best.’   And Prue added  ‘All of them are so good, their bakes all tasted fantastic.  You could argue for any one of these bakers.’


Here  Jürgen  talks about his time in the tent and getting to the semi final:  ‘I knew I was in trouble after the first challenge as Chigs, Giueseppe and Crystelle all got a Hollywood Handshake, but Paul skipped me.  After that I came first in the technical. By the time we got to the Showstopper, I knew it would be close.     We were all star bakers and proud of what we had achieved.  I  think it was difficult for the judges to decide who should go, and that was tough for them, but we all had a lovely dinner together in the evening, and looked back on all the weeks we had been in the tent together.


‘My windmill in biscuit week in Week 2 was a high point for me as the audience reception was so positive.  I got a Hollywood Handshake in German week which was emotional, but it’s really hard for me to say what the ultimate high was as there were so many.


‘Paul called me the ‘Konditormeister’ which for me was a real honour, in Germany you do many years apprenticeship and training to get that accolade.  I also got called the Jurgenator  which made me laugh.  I gained my third Star Baker in episode 7 which was a complete surprise as my Technical was not my best, but I was really pleased with my Showstopper flavours and execution.   Paul said it’s good to have Jürgen back in the tent, which was really encouraging.


‘My baking overall has improved since sending off the application for GBBO. I have learnt loads of new techniques and feel more confident now to bake under pressure!  I really enjoyed gaining an insight into how television is made.   There were plenty of great moments in the tent – the best one was probably finishing my first showstopper on time. My worst moment was receiving bad comments from Paul Hollywood.


‘My favourite challenge overall was the Joconde imprime – This was a new technique for me. I liked the flavours and textures I came up with, the piping of a piece of music onto the sponge was great fun. And Prue loved it.   And my worst challenge was the vegan sausage roll technical. Frankly, I had no idea what the vegan sausage should be. And then my sausage rolls rolled on the floor!


‘From my Bake Off experience I will take away the knowledge that I have confidence in my flavours and baking, and also how good it was to make new baking friends.


‘I am really proud for the other three bakers to be in the final, they deserve it.  We helped each other out all the way as bakers and during practice there was never any spark of competition.  By the time we got to the semi-final we were close friends and we all appreciated each others’ unique baking styles and personalities.  I am so looking forward to watching the Final but I know I will be quite anxious for them while watching it!


‘My love of architecture helped me in the first two weeks in the way I constructed the bakes, and it came to the fore in Week 9 when I made the centrepiece for the Showstopper.  Preparing to make my semi-final showstopper centrepiece, I found architectural designs on the internet which unlocked the beautiful proportions of the Japanese “Tori” gate.


‘I love to play the trombone with my son Benjamin and my wife Sophia,  who joins us on the violin.  My son and I have a lot of fun playing in a big band based in Brighton.  We are lucky to live by the sea - looking out of the window and seeing the seafront creates a good headspace.


‘I would like to thank Sophia and Benjamin for all their help and inspiration in developing recipes, tasting and being good judges and coaches.  Without them I wouldn’t probably have applied, or got to the semi-final. I also owe a huge thanks to my company who freed up my time to undertake this journey and have been a tremendous support all along the way.


‘I am open for what comes to me after my Bake Off experience, so let’s see what arrives.  I didn’t go into the Bake Off wanting a career change, but it will be interesting to see what creative possibilities come my way.’


Jürgen  will join Jo Brand and Tom Allen on The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice on Friday 19 November on Channel 4 at 8.00 pm. 


Q&A and Biography:


*We filmed this series in a covid secure bubble again this year, how did it feel to be meeting and living with your fellow bakers?

Baking and living in a bubble was very exciting for me. It meant that we bakers got to know each other really well.


*What did you enjoy most about being in the bubble and what did you miss most about being away from home?

I enjoyed most being with such an amazing and supportive group of people. On the flip side I missed having meals with my family, and playing music together.


*Did you pack a lucky item for your stay?

I had some well-wishing cards from my family with me. I also had my rolling pin and my bench knife.


*During the filming time when you were away from home, where did you say you were to friends?

Many friends live far away, because of restrictions to travel this wasn’t such a big issue.


*Can you describe the bakers as a group this year, and are you all on a what’s app group?

This year’s group is a wonderful diverse bunch – everybody is helping each other, and each baker brings their distinct personality. We are on a lively whatsapp group.


*How nervous were you when Paul and Prue started judging the first signature challenge and how does it feel when they are judging the technical challenge when they don’t know who has baked which item?

The judging was the oddest thing. I felt fairly calm the first time – the moment of the first chat while baking was more nerve-wrecking.  In the technical it felt like “Is this really my bake they are looking at?”


*Having watched Bake Off in the past, was the first day in the tent what you expected?

Well, I don’t think anyone can be prepared for that first day – I tried not to have any expectations. Walking into the tent for the first time was quite emotional.


*Are you a messy or tidy baker?

I try to be a tidy baker.


*Who is your baking inspiration and what age did you start baking?

My first baking experience was making Christmas cookies with my mother, probably at 4 years old. My greatest baking inspirations have been Andrew Whitley, Jeffrey Hamelman and Bo Friberg, via their books. And tasting Julien Plumart’s macarons and entremets at his Brighton shop set the bar high.


*The Bake Off family is a very exclusive club, how do you feel being a new member?

Being part of the Bake Off family is very exciting, the reality of it is still sinking in.



*The warmth and love you get in the Tent is a very special feeling, what is the nicest thing in baking you have done for anyone/or given them

I think one of the most fun baking experiences was being invited to take a class of 7-year-olds from my son’s Primary School through the process of making bread – from visiting a brewery to collect the yeast, all the way through to making their own special loaves to take home.


While my mother-in-law had a long treatment for her cancer the only food she liked to eat was my challah, so I used to visit her with it every week.


* What is the cake you get asked to make the most for friends and family?

Fruit Charlotte.


*If you were a cake what would you be and why?

A German plum cake with streusel. It is not overly sweet, and has such a variety of textures and flavours, made from essentially simple ingredients!


*In three words how would you describe yourself?

Nerdy, open-minded, dedicated.


*Are there any bakes or flavours that you really dislike? and why… 

Banoffee pie – I just don’t like peanuts in a sweet context.


*When baking at home what do you have on in the background – music/TV/podcast/radio?

The hum of the fridge! When baking, working or DIY I need to concentrate, and any background music or voice would distract me.


*Does it all seem a bit surreal that you have joined The Great British Bake Off family?

The whole Bake Off experience is like being in a parallel universe.


*Do you think work colleagues and friends will be shocked to see you on TV? 

My friends and colleagues will be very excited. Some of them have been pushing me to apply for many years.


* What do you think it will be like watching yourself on television?  Behind a cushion or on delayed record?

It will be very odd to see myself from all sorts of angles, and to hear my voice from the speaker. There will be some emotional moments I expect.





Jürgen, 56


IT Professional


Originally from the Black Forest in Germany, Jürgen moved to the UK in 2003 and now lives with his wife and son overlooking the sea. Unable to find traditional German bread in his adopted home, Jürgen decided to bake his own – and his passion for baking has grown ever since. He is particularly well-known for his Jewish challah bread, and for the celebration cakes that he loves to bake for friends and family. He approaches baking like the physicist he is – making calculations that help to ensure the utmost precision and perfect results. Jürgen is also an accomplished trombonist – a talent that he is proud to have passed on to his son.