High & Dry: Episode Synopses

Category: News Release

Episode One – The Island

When Air Intacta flight A0176 mysteriously crashes in the Indian Ocean, cautious family man, Douglas Jennings finds himself stranded on a deserted, palm-fringed island with only sociopathic flight attendant, Brett Sullivan for company.  Indebted to him for saving his life but fearing for his own, it’s the arrival of three further survivors that gives Douglas hope.  Straight talking Harriet, zombie obsessed Arnab and sheltered Christian Susan, navigate one another’s neuroses and endure the distorted fantasies of Brett. Everyone is desperate to get back to their friends, their families and plug back into their ordinary lives. Everyone, that is, except Brett.  He’s decided he’s going to be ‘King of the Island’ and he’ll do anything to keep his subjects together – including sabotaging their escape attempts. 


Episode Two – The Camp

On a mission to look for food and water, Harriet and Douglas discover a dinghy that is only big enough for two people.  They selfishly conspire to leave the island and return for the others later.  Meanwhile, Brett enlists the help of Arnab and Susan to design and build a new luxury shelter, complete with spa and cinema room.  It will make the Swiss Family Robinson’s achievements look pathetic!  In an attempt to pacify an emotionally distraught Susan, Douglas reveals the secret escape plan promising her a place aboard the dinghy and Susan’s reaction surprises even herself. The dinghy double crossing begins to spiral out of control, leaving Douglas in a state of turmoil and Brett paranoid that machinations are afoot. 


Episode Three – The Case

The survivors are running out of the food they have managed to salvage from the crash, when Douglas comes to the rescue by hunting the island’s native wildlife, a hawksbill turtle. Self-styled ‘King of the Island’ Brett and his trusty sidekick Arnab create team ‘Branab’ to stalk Harriet and find out what she’s hiding in her secretive case.  Meanwhile, Susan attempts to seduce Douglas with an inhaler and her knowledge of the ‘50 Shades of Grey’ trailer.  When Harriet suddenly discovers Brett rifling through her belongings, all hell breaks loose.  Emotional and life changing secrets are revealed that will alter the path of the island inhabitants forever. 


Episode Four – The Trial

Using a telescopic lens on a salvaged camera, Douglas believes he has discovered a nearby island that is inhabited and rushes to tell the others.  His plan to build a raft shocks Brett, who can’t believe he wants to leave the paradise they have created.  Meanwhile, Susan, having been spurned by Douglas, is manipulated by a vengeful Brett and a witch hunt begins.  Douglas now stands accused of sexual assault, conveniently scuppering any raft building by having to stand trial for his despicable crimes.  Arnab is recruited by Brett to help seal Douglas’ fate but is undeterred in his own plan to build a glider and finally beat Douglas to the other island. 


Episode Five – The Others

Douglas and Brett travel to the other island on their raft where they find, not only another far more successful group of survivors from the plane, but Brett’s nemesis, air steward Sandra.  In Brett’s absence Arnab is crowned ‘King of the Island’, which goes to his head, while Susan & Harriet find and eat his secret stash of drug-infused chocolates he was smuggling.  Chaos ensues when Sandra accuses Brett of being instrumental in bringing down the plane and Susan’s god fearing father, alive and well, is suspicious Douglas knows more about the fate of his daughter then he is letting on. With a storm fast approaching will Brett and Douglas make it out alive?


Episode Six – The Rescue

While the islanders adapt to life without Brett, a desperate Douglas has fallen off the wagon and is trying to take control.  However, the miraculous return of senior air steward Sullivan soon changes the group dynamic and Douglas is cast out to the dark cave on the other side of the island. Brett brings with him news about the ‘others’ and alerts his friends that they could be heading to attack them at any time.  Brett learns that Harriet has a large inheritance to pass to her son, who was put up for adoption soon after she gave birth.  Brett capitalizes on the fact he was adopted and with the dates adding up quickly claims his rightful place by her side.  He had his suspicions but with this much money at stake he is almost sure of it.  Salvation beckons when Harrison and Swallow arrive on the island; a research team studying the extremely rare, indigenous Hawksbill turtles. However, the islanders have eaten them to extinction.  With the threat of the ‘others’ arriving, Brett and company must do everything they can to gain control of the researchers yacht and get off the island as quickly as they can. Leaving Douglas behind in the cave, Brett has a crisis of confidence; will he ever find a BFF?