High & Dry: Interview with Grace Rex who plays Susan

Category: News Release

Can you explain High & Dry to us in one sentence?

Can I tell you what I pictured sometimes when I was on set? Four strangers inside of a giant pot of boiling sea water that’s being vigorously stirred by an insane man who's laughing maniacally as he bats us around with a giant death spoon…? 


You play Susan – how would you describe her?

She's like an innocent child. She has no filter.  She’s extremely curious and loving and has a surprising amount of fire in her belly.


Is it fair to say she’s lived a somewhat sheltered life?

Yes, very sheltered.  Very oppressed until she’s landed on the island sans her oppressors for the first time in her life.  


Had you worked with any of the cast before?

No, not one. We unfortunately don’t have access to most British shows here in the states. I’m only now familiar with a lot of their wonderful work. Probably for the best as I would definitely have spent a lot of time and energy trying to hide the special shit-eating grin I wear when interacting with people I admire.


Going to the Seychelles to film was a bonus! Was it fun? Any horror stories?!

I’m embarrassed to say that I knew nothing about the Seychelles before I got the job. I’d never been to such a beautiful place. Just picture Jurassic Park, and specifically Jurassic World. Not as good as the original but I’m thinking of those scenes where Bryce Dallas Howard is tearing through the jungle, all sweaty and determined in her nice blouse and high heels.  I definitely did some version of that activity in ridiculous footwear.  Also, just like in Jurassic Park, we had magical creatures all around us, specifically giant tortoises which are the closest I will ever get to meeting a dinosaur.  Anyway, we were really in the elements which was a true privilege and a great adventure, and also exhausting and scary sometimes. Not a lot of protection from the elements. It’s very hot and we were filming during monsoon season, so we had many days of relentless heat and rough seas. Things biting people in the night. The crew were amazing and very supportive and we couldn’t have weathered it without them. 


Have you ever taken a flight with any characters resembling those in High & Dry before?

No, thank goodness. We’re all terrible people.


You’re the only American in our very British cast – were the cast welcoming? Did they teach you ‘Britishisms?’

Yes I’m the sole American representative. The cast were wonderful company. I had never been so far away from home by myself and was very homesick at first and they made me forget my troubles. Yes I learned a lot of your lingo.  I of course can’t remember any of it right now. Oh, you all say “turning” instead of “rolling” when starting a take on set. That was pretty confusing at first.   


How do you think you would fare, marooned on a desert island?

Not very well.  I would bite the dust pretty quickly I think.  


If not you, which of the cast would fare best, and why?

I think we’d all die pretty quickly; the question is in what order would we perish? I don’t think I’d be first but I wouldn’t be last either, and that makes me feel better about myself.


What do you think the positives are to being stuck on a desert island?

Health-wise, I would definitely meet my Vitamin D needs. Also I’m not a fan of coconut water but I’ve heard it’s very good for you. Not having to smell the constant horror that is giant heaps of steaming New York City trash on the sidewalk all summer long would be nice. 


Who would you least like to be stranded on a desert island with and why? (Apart from Brett!)

Since I’m now thinking about NYC trash, I’ll go with rats. We have a lot of them in my town.  They are aggressive and resourceful little bastards. If we were stranded together they would definitely eat me alive.