Highlights for Week 52 and Week 1

Category: News Release

Whooo hoooo! We've gone to press with our Christmas schedules, which means that you can start planning your 96-hour non-stop Channel 4, brandy and Quality Street marathon now. (Other beverages and confectionaries are available, other channels are not).

If you want to have a sneaky peek at the highlights for the season, click here (week 52) and here (week 1) (registered users only).

If you're not a registered user, you can register for the site here. However, please do so only if you are a journalist. Other applications will be rejected, and our automated anti-civilian techno-filter will immediately destroy your computer. And all your Celine Dion CDs.

Don't forget to subscribe here to our daily email alerts that we send out each afternoon outlining what's been added to the site that day. If you sign up today, you could win an amazing prize.*

Right, that's another year completed on the site. I'm off to get royally hammered for the next four weeks. And when I say royally hammered, I mean so hammered that Queen Kate or whatever she calls herself won't be the only one hospitalised for excessive and constant vomiting. Wooooo, party time! Eh? What do you mean, we've still got three weeks of work before Christmas? WTBlinkiningF? Did the baby Joseph get born in a mangrove for nothing?

Happy Christmas!

*The amazing prize is a daily email alert outlining what's been added to the site that day