The Hoarder Next Door

Category: News Release

TX: April

The Hoarder Next Door returns with a brand new series about Britain's growing number of extreme hoarders and their quest to cure themselves with the help of friends and family.

There are an estimated 1.2 million hoarders in Britain and the condition is becoming so widespread that it is soon to be classified as a recognised mental illness in its own right. As the series discovers, many of today's hoarders lead seemingly ordinary lives - but behind their front door lies a shocking reality of homes packed to the brim with rubbish and clutter, rooms infested with vermin and families pushed to the brink.

In this four-part series we meet hoarders whose lives are being torn apart by their condition and will follow them as attempt to part with their treasured possessions with the help of a leading psychotherapist and a team of no nonsense de-clutterers

Prod co: Twenty Twenty