Hollyoaks: Interview with Amy Conahan who plays Courtney

Category: News Release

What was your favourite #Magalufoaks moment?

This is really hard because there were so many good moments! Probably when we filmed the ‘here come the girls’ scene, where we paraded on the strip.


Why did Courtney go to Magaluf?

She’s there because Sally asked her to be there for her as a friend. She thinks it’ll be a nice break, with all the madness going on at home, and having a baby, she deserves a holiday and there may be another motive – yet to be revealed!


How close is Courtney to the McQueen family?

Her only connection with them is through Sally, as they are good friends, but also she’s got a kind of strange relationship with Goldie because of their love triangle with Jesse.


How angry do you think Courtney felt when seeing Liam after all this time?

I think it was more shock rather than anger, I think she’s given up any hope that he would do anything for her and Iona by now.


How did you find the filming abroad experience?

I loved it so much, it was very exciting. I had worked on a theatre show before abroad in Spain but it wasn’t quite the same thing, this was more fun, I felt like I was on holiday whilst also working, it was so strange.


How is it working with McQueens?

It’s really fun, I feel like Courtney is one of the more normal characters in the show, it’s a little different to work with a family who is really strong with larger than life characters, it forces me to up my performance a little bit. Naturally the scenes are more comical because of the nature of the family.