Hollyoaks: Interview with Annie Wallace who plays Sally

Category: News Release

What was your favourite #Magalufoaks moment?

My favourite moment was filming on the beach with all the McQueens and going for paddles in the sea, which isn’t something we normally get to do at the studio. Also, the arrival of the McQueens into Magaluf strolling down the beach front like Reservoir Dogs.


Did Sally let loose in Magaluf?

Unlike Ibiza she didn’t get sunstroke this time so yes she was a little bit more adventurous but as is often the case with Sally this can have consequences.


How is Sally fitting in with the McQueen family?

She’s certainly let herself relax into the McQueen lifestyle more than I think she thought she could, she’s happy to get down and party with the best of them, but is still willing to cast a disapproving eye when required.


How is Sally’s relationship with Myra?

At the moment it seems rock solid as they are both very committed to each other and trying to meet each other in the middle. Sally is trying to be more adventurous and Myra is trying to behave, arguably not very successfully.


How important is it to get Mercedes approval?

I think both Myra and Sally were very worried on what Mercedes would think, as the oldest daughter they didn’t want her to object to their relationship, as it means so much to the both of them.


Does she approve of Russ?

Sally doesn’t know much about Russ and his previous history, so all she sees is a good looking guy who is committed to Mercedes and wants to make her happy.