Hollyoaks: Interview with Nadine Mulkerrin who plays Cleo

Category: News Release

What was your favourite #Magalufoaks moment?

Probably the first day when we all arrived, we were all really excited, it’s a lot different to working inside a studio, so it was amazing to get out there in the sun. When we first got there we all immediately went to the pool and had a laugh, that was my highlight.


How did Cleo feel when she first saw Mercedes?

She was absolutely chuffed because she idolises Mercedes, we filmed the reunion scene on the beach and Cleo was the first one to give her a big hug, she was ecstatic to see her big older cousin who she really looks up to. Personally, I was buzzing to have Jen back because I have missed her a lot, and she looks incredible! I felt like there was a missing part of the McQueens and she’s finally back with a bang, it’s incredible.


How much does Cleo differ from the typical McQueen?

I think Cleo is quite unique in terms of the McQueen family, she’s a bit more reserved and more sensible. She’s the intelligent one, and she’s been through a lot, obviously she’s had her issues with abuse in the past so I think everyone is very protective over her. Also, she’s got an ongoing bulimia storyline, so she’s less confident than the others and at the minute she’s feeling really insecure. She’s not as glamorous as the typical McQueen, she always has her hair in a bun, but I secretly love that because my call time is less!


Does Cleo approve of Russ?

Yes I think she just wants Mercedes to be happy and obviously she’s heard the stories of Russ and all the McQueen drama, but I think she’s just happy for Mercedes.


What advice did you give Richard Arnold on his Hollyoaks appearance?

He was lovely, and he didn’t need any tips because he’s such a pro in front of a camera. I think he was quite happy enjoying himself, he is a lovely man and I just told him to be truthful and have fun.


Was Cleo the voice of reason in the madness of Magaluf?

Yes! Even though she let her hair down on one of the night’s, I felt so nervous doing the big scene where we all had to dance, there’s a line in it where she says she’s not boring, so I think she did want to have a good laugh with all the McQueen’s and loosen up a little bit. However, she was the voice of reason, telling people to apologise, so she’s always the one who sees sense.


What are Cleo’s opinions on Sylver?

In previous episodes I don’t think she was so sure, she’s a bit wary of him, he kept himself to himself in terms of the Magaluf madness. She thinks he’s alright but she hasn’t fully sussed him out yet, there’s probably more a relationship between them still to come.