Hollyoaks: Interview with Nicole Barber-Lane who plays Myra

Category: News Release

What was your favourite #Magalufoaks moment?

I enjoyed the scene with Stuart at the harbour, when Russ tells Myra that he really loves Mercedes, and then Myra sees his boat! It is dramatic, emotional and full of comedy.


How mischievous was Myra in Magaluf?

She was outrageous! Obviously what wasn’t seen on screen was even worse…


How did Myra feel when she first saw Russ?

Extremely angry because he stole Max last time he saw her!


How was it reuniting with grandson Max?

That was so sweet for Myra, but it was very bitter sweet because she felt her heart open and break all at once. Max was her daughter Tina’s son, and it brought all the memories of Tina and all the sadness of Tina and herself not being able to watch him grow up.


How did Myra feeling having her McQueen family reunited?

She loved it so much. Although I bet she was gutted Michaela and Jackie couldn’t make it, they’re too busy on the run.


Why was Myra so shocked to find out the mystery man was Russ?

Because of what he did before he ran off with her grandson. He got together with Tina whilst nearly getting married to Mercedes, Myra never did get her wear out of that outfit.


How was it seeing Mercedes after all this time?

It’s really good fun! It’s easy and nice and as usual full of drama