Hollyoaks: Interview with Stuart Manning who plays Russ

Category: News Release

What was your favourite #Magalufoaks moment?

I honestly can’t choose, because the whole experience was amazing. Just having all the cast and crew together was so great, such a fun experience for everybody.


How much has Russ really changed?

He is more mature and wiser now that he’s a dad, it seems that he’s more caring in that sense, and he is now a millionaire.


Why is Russ in Magaluf?

He ran away with his and Tina’s baby, Max, because the McQueen’s were trying to take him, this was nine years ago and he’s been here ever since.

Who was Russ dreading seeing the most?

100% Myra, because she was the only one he knew out of the group, and they definitely didn’t leave it on good terms.


How different is Russ’ relationship with Mercedes this time around?

He is more in charge now because he’s older and doesn’t get pushed around like he did when he was younger.


What is Russ planning to spend his wealth on?

Mercedes and his children, his son and step-son Bobby.


How much does Russ want the McQueen approval?

Obviously he wants to be accepted but it’s not the be all and end all. As long as he has Mercedes approval he is happy because he wants a life with her, not the McQueen’s.


What happened when he last saw the McQueen’s in Hollyoaks?

There was a big fight after they refused to give him Max, so he kidnapped him and drove off in to the sunset.


Are you happy to be back working on Hollyoaks?

It’s lovely to be back, it’s different but also the same, so many more cast, but everyone’s still here, Jen and all those guys, it’s lovely to be working with them all again.