Hollyoaks Later

Category: News Release

TX: September, E4

Hollyoaks Later takes the drama to another level in a daring new series that delves deeper into the lives, loves and misdemeanours of the Hollyoaks regulars as they attempt to find their feet away from the Village.

In a week of one hour episodes, some of Hollyoaks' most loved characters are launched into new surroundings and immersed in some sticky situations. Exciting, dangerous and downright sexy, Hollyoaks Later pushes the boundaries.

Tears, tantrums and trauma are promised as Mercedes and Riley celebrate their stag and hen parties. The McQueen's head to Ibiza for some flirty fun and general misbehaving while the stags endure a terrifying ordeal at an outdoor activities retreat. Mitzeee crashes the boys' weekend and Seth's encounter with a prostitute has horrific consequences. Back in the village, Silas continues his menacing mind games and closes in on his next target, while Duncan and Ricky head to Fit Camp!


Production Company
Lime Pictures