Hollyoaks Q&A with Gemma Merna

Category: News Release

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Name: Gemma Merna

Who do you play? Carmel McQueen 


How would you describe the character you play?

Usually, a ditsy blonde with a big heart and always prides herself on being a good Samaritan.


Are you anything like them in real life?

I'd say bits of me are such as a good Samaritan as I always got my friends and families back, oh and I look like her!


If you could play any other character, who would you choose, and why?

 I would like to play someone like Raquel Welch, who was in Corrie because she's very much like Carmel and I thought Sarah Lancashire played the part well.


How long have you been in Hollyoaks?

Seven years and am loving it more than ever now I've got such a challenging storyline.


What's been your favourite scene to shoot in Hollyoaks?

Over the years I've shot some great stuff but I have to say this recent storyline with the facial tanner explosion has been my most challenging and has felt really good to get my teeth into.


What would be your ideal storyline for your character?

 I'd say the one I have now I've loved every minute and its challenging for the character and will change her so much in the future.


Who is the hottest cast member?

Well I would've said Ricky Whittle who played my onscreen husband Calvin Valentine, but he's not here anymore!!!


Have you ever given anyone a Hollyoaks calendar as a present?

Present? No way I‘ve kept them all for myself so I can look on when I'm a Grandma and reminisce!


Do you ever get sent any weird fan mail?

No not recently however I did get one form someone wanting me to send them a picture of me naked on a rocking horse -Can you imagine!?!?!


Who's your best mate in the cast?

Ahh, Too many but I'd have to say Nicole Barber Lane (plays Myra McQueen), Jen Metcalfe (plays Mercedes McQueen) and my little sister Jorgie Porter (plays Theresa McQueen).


What's the best thing about being in Hollyoaks?

The best thing is having it in my life for the past seven years and I've made some really lovely friends that I'll cherish forever!


What's the worst?

Working outside in the Baltic weather wearing a mini skirt and heels  - it's no fun because we've had two really bad winters that snow was a killer!




List 5 health and beauty products you swear by...

Dermalogica for face, Soap and Glory for body, Aveda for hair, L'Oreal hair spray, Wilkinson Sword shaver!


An unusual beauty secret...

Put bio-oil on your face once a week, makes your face moisturised and soft.


What 3 things would take to a desert island?

Lash out lashes, SPF, Paw-paw for my lips


Hair then make up or make up then hair?  How do you achieve it?

Hair in heated rollers then do my make-up, then take the rollers out - ET VOILA!


Fake Tan or English Rose?

Half and half, love my fake tan but also like a rest with a bit of English Rose.


How long does it take you to get ready for a night out?

If I've got to do my hair about an hour - 1.5hrs! Is that bad?


What process is involved in achieving an awards look? Do you enjoy it?

Getting my fab make-up artist Zoey Clarkson and for hair Vincent Allenby and they also did my wedding. I love getting ready for awards!


Favourite body part?

My eyes, because they're blue like my Mum and a lot of my family - it's a family trait.


Have you ever broken a bone?

I fractured my arm, when I was about 6.



Where do you shop the most?

Cricket in Liverpool, just a really stylish place and great for an event.


Shopaholic or Sensible staples?

Sensible staples - all my shoes!


Designer or High Street?

Both - designer for shoes and handbags but High St mainly for everything else.


Whose everyday and redcarpet style do you most admire? (Other celebs or Hollyoaks artists)

Everyday - I'd say the Kardashians because they always look so glamorous all the time!

Red carpet - Sarah Jessica Parker, she's effortless.


Summer or Winter?

Winter because you can layer up.


What one item in your wardrobe would you save from a burning building?

My wedding dress!

Are you a Shoes, Handbags or Accessories kind of girl/boy?

Shoes and handbags and diamonds! As long as I've got my diamonds I don't need any more accessories.