Hollyoaks top of the class in September

Category: News Release

Video on Demand viewing to Channel 4 programmes has increased even further in September, with 33m long form VoD views across all platforms during the month -  an increase on the 31m views recorded in August.

Year to date, long form VoD views now stand at 308m for 2011 so far, a rise of 19.3% year on year.

Channel 4's monthly report on 4oD viewing, published today, shows that in September the popular drama Hollyoaks was the most viewed series, attracting 2.3m views.

The Inbetweeners remains a strong favourite on 4oD, drawing 1.6m views for Season 1 throughout September. Hollyoaks Later also performed well, gaining 1.4m views during the month.

Comedy was once again the top genre, pulling in 8.4m views during September, whilst VoD views for drama rose by almost 2m to 7.2m views, boosted by the popularity of series including Fresh Meat and Shameless.

4oD on Channel4.com, the main 4oD platform, attracted 3.9m average monthly unique viewers - an increase of 300k on August's monthly total.