Homeland: Oh God, we've got to go through it all again!

Category: News Release

If you have just watched the last episode of Homeland, you may not have heard the continuity announcer declare afterwards that we've signed the rights to show season 2 as well. You may have been hiding behind the sofa, rocking backwards and forwards, sobbing softly at the unbearable tension of it all. And now you'll have to go through it all over again.

So there we have it. The brilliant first season of Homeland is at an end, and what an end it was. Who saw THAT coming? Nick Brody is actually a CIA agent/alien/woman. Carrie Mathison is David Estes' brother/imaginary friend/car. And Saul Berenson's beard ended up being made of high explosive/cheese/bees. (Okay, I'm writing this before watching the last episode, because call me old-fashioned, but I like watching stuff on the telly when it actually transmits).

Speaking of watching it on the telly, the British viewing public, in their infinite wisdom, have been tuning in in droves. A consolidated weekly figure of over 4 million watched the show (including figures from the Monday repeat). That's 4 million heads that are fried, eight million eyes that have popped, and 40 million fingernails chewed down to nothing (80 million if it's a very flexible 4 million viewers and they are chewing their toenails too. Or chewing each others' toenails).

I think, when we start talking about toenail chewing, we can probably leave it there, don't you?

Bye then.