Howard Overman's Top Misfit Moments

Category: News Release

Dear ladies and gentlemen of the press (and curious/nosey interlopers who may have stumbled across this page),

To mark the new series of Misfits coming up on your tellybox imminently, we asked it’s brilliant writer, Howard Overman, to select his favourite moments from series past.

Now, Howard being Howard, he chose some scenes so dark, twisted and downright filthy that we couldn’t possibly put them on the press website. To be fair to Howard, it’s not his fault. We just know what a collection of wide-eyed innocents you journalists are.  Actually, seeing as he wrote it, it is his fault, the sicko. (It may also have something to do with the fact that we can’t have the proper warning pages on this site, but mostly it’s just because we’re worried about making you cry). 

However, seeing as how Howard went to all that trouble (and trust me, you don’t want to piss off a man who has done in five probation workers, and counting) those of you old enough and responsible enough can click though and watch them on the proper E4 page and read about them below.

Yours with concern for you moral and spiritual welfare,

The Site Editor

Here we go, Howard's Top 4...

Series 1. Episode 6. The final scene of the series. Nathan wakes up in his coffin and is overjoyed to discover he has a superpower - he's immortal... But then the implications dawn on him. He's potentially stuck in a coffin, forever. 

Series 2. Episode 3. A future version of Simon is revealed to be our mystery superhero. Very few people saw it coming. 

Series 3. Episode 7. Zombie cheerleaders and a zombie cat, called Mr Miggles, and they all meet brutal deaths. What's not to like?

Series 4. Episode 4. Curtis' final line just before he blows his brains out 'It's zombie noir, innit'. A funny, moving goodbye to the shows longest serving character.

And you can have a looksee here: