Hugh's Fish Fight wins 'media campaign of the year'

Category: News Release

Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall’s Fish Fight has won ‘media campaign of the year’ at the second annual Change Opinion Awards.


The campaign, against the huge number of edible fish that were thrown back overboard dead because of EU quota laws (discards), beat off competition from Caroline Criado-Perez, Jack Monroe and Malala Yousafzi.


The Change Opinion Awards, run by PR firm Westbourne Communications, looks at the best campaigns from across the globe. .Hugh’s Fish Fight was listed in the Westbourne 100, last month, which formed the basis of a shortlist which went before a panel of independent judges on April 22.


The other entrants in the media category were: Caroline Criado-Perez for her campaign to get more women on banknotes, Jack Monroe and her campaign calling for a Budget that improves the current welfare situation and Malala Yousafzi and her efforts to promote girls’ education in Pakistan.


Will Anderson, Series Producer and Director, Hugh's Fish Fight said; "We are delighted to have been given this award, and to have been considered alongside so many other successful and worthwhile campaigns. It all goes to prove that effective campaigning really can change the world for the better."


Gill Wilson, Head of features at Channel 4 added;  “Channel 4  have been proud to support Hugh’s campaign, and his passionate drive for greater public awareness of food provenance. We are delighted his has work been recognised by ‘Change Opinion”.


Founder of the TaxPayers’ Alliance and Chief Executive of Business for Britain Matthew Elliot voted for the campaign for: ‘Mounting a campaign that successfully reformed EU law, which is very hard to do.’


Co-founder of Ministry of Sound James Palumbo was impressed with the campaigns marketing saying: ‘The branding of Hugh’s Fish Fight was particularly effective with the logo and name really sticking in people’s minds.’ 


Guido Fawkes Political Editor and Sun columnist Harry Cole said: ‘A hugely effective campaign that has led to anger at EU fishing policy growing remarkably due to Hugh’s work.’


Westbourne founder and director James Bethell said: ‘The campaign has successfully changed opinion about the practice of dumping fish. It has changed the way we think about and eat fish. A truly great campaign that drew in the public in hook, line and sinker.’




Notes to editor:

In October 2010, Fearnley-Whittingstall created a campaign against the huge number of edible fish that were thrown back overboard, dead, because of EU laws. Following the EU’s vote to ban fish discards, the campaign has now grown to cover efforts to get consumers to eat more sustainable fish such as mackerel.


Judges at the 2014 Change Opinion Awards were:

SAS hero Andy McNab

Channel Five News presenter Emma Crosby

Ministry of Sound founder Lord Palumbo

Daily Mail columnist Andrew Pierce

Guido Fawkes political editor Harry Cole

TaxPayers’ Alliance founder Matthew Elliot

Fabian Society deputy general secretary Marcus Roberts

SCB Partners director Tammy Smoulders