Humans: Episode 1 Programme Information

Category: News Release

One year after the dawn of consciousness, a decimated and oppressed Synth population fights to survive in a world that hates and fears them. Max, Mia and Flash live in a designated area for Synths known as “the Railyard” whilst they try to broker an uneasy peace with the human world. Following Hester’s violent attack on Leo, he lies in a coma being cared for by Max and Anatole, the Railyard’s medical Synth advisor. Meanwhile, removing herself from the plight of the Synths, Niska lives with Astrid and passes herself off as a human.

The Hawkins family are adjusting to their new lives with Laura and Joe living apart. We meet Laura as she struggles to fight for basic rights for newly conscious Synths, but a job offer from an unexpected source could give her a platform to bring her message to a larger audience. Meanwhile Joe runs a fruit and vegetable shop in Synth-free Waltringham and Toby and Sophie negotiate the tricky landscape of newly separated parents. Mattie, still reeling from the guilt over her involvement in the release of the consciousness code upon the world, struggles on its anniversary and disappears to a place she feels most safe.

However, when fractures within the Synth community start to appear, all hope of stability comes under threat, and both families are brought back together to fight for the Green-Eyes’ survival.