Humans season 2 - New Character Biographies

Category: News Release

Dr Athena Morrow (Carrie-Anne Moss)

Athena is the world’s leading AI scientist. Frank and formidable, she lives only for her work, keeping her private life a closely guarded secret. That solitary, single-minded genius is why Milo Khoury hires her to lead a top-secret development project at his company, Qualia. Reluctant at first, and suspicious of Milo’s intentions, Athena is ultimately lured by Qualia’s unparalleled technical resources – which give her the chance to pursue the long-cherished dream that’s consumed her for years…


Milo Khoury (Marshall Allman)

A young Silicon Valley billionaire and founder of leading global tech company, Qualia. His friendly, casual manner belies a ruthless desire to succeed, one borne out of a tough upbringing. Milo’s evangelical – messianic, almost - about the power of scientific innovation, and dreams of being the one to take Synthetics to the next stage of their evolution. He needs Athena to realise his ground-breaking project – only he hasn’t revealed to her the full extent of his grand plans.


Ed Hooley (Sam Palladio)

Ed is a decent man in a difficult position. He’s put his life on hold to care for his mother, Diane, who suffers from early onset dementia. Which means taking on the failing family business, a seaside café, that’s losing money fast. Ed’s kind, talented, charming - wasted in this life, going nowhere. But as a dutiful son, he feels he has no choice. Nor does he have anyone to talk to – unless you count the Synth he hires for a few hours a day to help out around the café. He can feel himself growing closer to the machine. Is it just his loneliness? Is he losing the plot? Or is it something more?


Hester (Sonya Cassidy)

The EvaLife “Hester” Synthetic is a popular industrial model, designed for the dirty and dangerous work that used to be done by humans. Tens of thousands of Hesters are at work in factories, plants and refineries across the world. But one particular machine at a chemical plant in Nottingham is about to become one of the most unique Synths on the planet. This Hester finds she’s different to the others – and coming to terms with exactly what she is will lead her down an unexpected path.


Astrid Schaeffer (Bella Dayne)

A free-spirited young Berliner with no plans, no schemes, no ambitions, no inhibitions. She doesn’t know what she’s doing tomorrow, and doesn’t particularly care. She loves people, dancing, noise, parties, sex, fun, food - life. She’s open-minded and open-hearted – but even though few people embrace spontaneity as much as she does, she’ll have that openness tested by someone very special who comes into her life…


Irene “Renie” Watson (Letitia Wright)

Renie’s a seventeen-year-old “synthie”. One of a fast-growing subculture who pretend to be Synths, adopting their fashions, speech and behaviour. Pretending to be a Synth round the clock takes incredible discipline and sacrifice, particularly in the face of the school bullies – but it gives Renie a sense of peace and control. But just who is the teenage girl beneath the blank smile, makeup and contact lenses?