Interview with Abi Phillips of Hollyoaks

Category: News Release

In week 50, when her family is rocked by the revelation that Dodger has tracked down his biological father, Liberty shows her hidden maturity and plans a peace-keeping dinner for the Savages and Blakes. What could go wrong?



Abi Phillips


Who do you play?

Liberty Savage


How would you describe the character you play?

She's very loyal and loves her family. She's naive, always willing to help other people, dopey and loves music! 


If you could play any other character, who would you choose, and why?

Any characters that have a dark side... that would be exciting! Maybe Brendan, but it might be difficult for me to grow that ‘tache!

How long have you been in Hollyoaks?

About a year and a half!


What's been your favourite scene to shoot in Hollyoaks?

I've loved so many, but it has to be the T4 on the Beach scenes where I performed live to the audience and the three-timing scenes with Ethan, they were so fun. I also loved all the Maverick Sabre ‘Enchanted Forest' episodes earlier this year and the family based scenes I've been filming recently - I love the Savages!


And your worst?

Ooooh, it's got to be when Liberty had her first crying scene and I had a tad too much tear stick, literally to the point where I couldn't open my eyes and was momentarily blind! Haha!


What would be your ideal storyline for your character?

I'd like Lib to have a bit of a daring storyline! It would be great to see how overprotective her brothers are once she gets a few boys on the go - trouble!


Who is the hottest cast member?

There are far too many hot people on here to say one!


Have you ever given anyone a Hollyoaks calendar as a present?

Nope! I haven't been on one either...


Do you ever use your job to jump queues for bars, clubs etc?

Definitely not! Imagine if the bouncers didn't watch it, I could just imagine the reaction "I play Liberty in Hollyoaks", "Sorry love, I don't watch it" ... ahhh EMBARRASSING!


Do you ever get sent any weird fan mail?

Not really! I get lovely fan mail :) I try to reply as quickly as possible but it's difficult because I'm also really busy with my music!!!


What's your favourite joke?

I'm so rubbish at jokes! I prefer the ones that are so bad that make people laugh just because they're so rubbish, and make everyone feel awkward. I did have one guy make me feel his t-shirt once and he said "What material is that?" I was like, "urmm...", then he went "boyfriend material" - cringe!


Who's your best mate in the cast?

I love all of them really, but I have to say either Hollie Jay Bowes who played Michaela McQueen or Tamaryn Payne (Annalise), but I seriously love everyone!


Who's the worst in the cast for inappropriate laughter?

Oooooh urmmm Calvin Demba was, he played Scott Sabeka, ha!!! I do find him very funny though, apart from when he raps to me, that's just awkward!


Who's the worst for forgetting lines?

It's all equal really! No one really forgets them, but sometimes we word them differently and then get confused with continuity!


What's the best thing about being in Hollyoaks?

EVERYTHING! I get to meet so many interesting people, and get to live a different life every day. Also, I get to do my music which is AMAZING! :)


What's the worst?

Definitely shooting summer scenes in barely any clothes in winter and having to pretend to be warm! Also, when the public think you actually are your character, when you're completely different... but I love it here, so there's not much to fault.