Interview with Jordan Stephens for Glue

Category: News Release

Jordan Stephens plays Rob Kendle

The following feature is available free for reproduction in full or in part.

What is Glue?

Glue is unlike any other show on television. A torturous conflict between dark and light. 

What can we expect?

To not know what's going on when you think you really do.

Who do you play?  

Rob. The devoid of emotional support, humour as a defence mechanism, drug taking self-saboteur type of guy.

Tell us a bit about your character… How much did you know about the backstory of your character, and how important do you think that is?

Rob's backstory is incredibly important when understanding why he does the things he does. Essentially, we're all echoes of the generation that created us and in Rob's case the damaging effect can be most prevalent. 

What did you think when you first read the script? 

I want to be part of this show!

Were you a fan of Jack’s other work?

Huge Jack Thorne fan – I didn't know how to approach him in the read through. I very much enjoy his ability to seamlessly partner dark subject matter with youthful naivety. 

How much does the countryside play a part in the show? 

The show's like 70% countryside. 

Would you say there’s a different way of life?

Yes. After having stayed in a village during filming, I can safely say that the show is quite an accurate reflection of the goings on you may expect in a rural area. 

Did you get to work with horses?

I didn't personally get to ride one but I did spend time with them.

What was it like?

Very therapeutic. I like horses very much. 

What was filming like?

Emotionally and physically draining. Also incredibly fun and exciting.

Did you all hang out together when you weren’t working?  

Yeah, when we could. 

Any anecdotes from on-set?

Charlotte, who plays my girlfriend, and I had hugely volatile argument during a night shoot which was recorded in its entirety because the sound man thought it was part of the scene.  

Are you a city or country boy/girl?

City boy.

What are you favourite crime dramas?

I'm going with The Bridge and Luther.

There’s a lot of secrets uncovered in the show, can you tell us a secret?

I don't like it when dogs bite tennis balls.