Interview with Kimberly Wyatt for All Star Driving School

Category: News Release


What made you want to take part in the show? Surely learning to drive on camera whilst being heavily pregnant can’t be the best idea you’ve ever had?!

I'm a busy girl doing the mummy juggle, having a career, teaching dance, and settling in Surrey with my husband. I've been wanting to get my UK driver’s license for quite some time but other priorities always take precedence... this seemed to be the perfect, quick way to get it done!


Have you tried learning to drive before?

I had my driver’s license in the States but not for the UK and I haven’t driven for a long time. I’m petrified of driving in this country, everything’s on the wrong side! I also cannot drive a manual and don’t have a license for that. Now I’ve got two babies, I thought it was about time I learnt!


If so, any funny stories?

First thing I did when I got my license in the US was going to the country gravel roads and doing what my Dad and Brothers could do... fishtail. Ended up fish tailing out of control and going into a serious spin and almost landed in the ditch... I never tried that again!


How did you find being ‘helped’ by family and friends?

It was more of a necessity for our family! It was tough driving manual with the little one in the car for the first time. I was nervous! 



Did you find yourself getting competitive with your other celebrity learner drivers?

Maybe quietly competitive. I can't help myself. It was all in good fun though. I really enjoyed spending time with Francis (Boulle) and Claudia (Fragapane.)


If you pass your test, do you have a dream driving trip you’d like to do?

At the moment, my dream is a trip to the hospital…. haha! (Kimberly has just given birth to her second daughter, Maple.) But ultimately just driving the leafy roads of Surrey - I miss driving Mulholland Drive in LA with the radio up and the windows down. It's time to create my new version of that amongst my new life in the UK.


Who would be your dream driving companion?

Music. I don't need people in the car just the stereo! But can't wait to give my Max a break at the wheel and drive us on our next Mr. And Mrs. getaway. 


Who would be your worst person to sit next to on a long driving trip?

Anyone that can't stand silence. I love to chat in the car but I also love music, reflection and enjoying the scenery. 


What’s your favourite song to listen to when driving? 

Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home - it's just my favourite tune in life and is already filled with so many memories. I can't wait for the day I have driving freedom and that song to reminisce to amongst my new life here.